This is the official Trismegistus with Ex 0.9 download thread

Here is a screenshot you can compare to your own game to see if the fonts are working correctly for you. The ampersand (&) is pretty distinctive (in Direct3D HAL & TNL) for the ascii font (Egyptian) ... I mainly wanna be sure the font is being found in the font folder. I dunno why it shouldn't be, but Windows tends to be pretty finicky in the font dept.

There is a fairly elaborate way to build hybrid fonts that looks like this (from Trismegistus Ex.ini) below...

system_fonts_to_use = 120% 0 Egyptian505 BT U+0000-007F

That says to use the Egyptian font for ascii Unicode ranges basically. SomEx always adds MS Mincho (or whatever it finds in the som_rt.exe image) to the end of the list. So it's like the default.

MS Mincho ascii does not look good next to its own pretty quotation marks etc, which don't seem to be up to the standards of the rest of MS Mincho (since they're not part of the 932 codepage presumably)

I've also noticed the cursor not behaving as it should. I don't know if that's because of XP or because the processor(s) on this machine can never seem to keep up with anything. I don't think I had any probs with Vista (though some last minute changes may've affected some things minorly) so I'm hesitant to make any changes until I can get my Vista (7) machine back up. One good idea I think I just had is to do as much as possible to run Ex's utility thread on a separate CPU core. I'd wondered if there was anyway to leverage multi-core CPUs in the past and couldn't come up with anything major. But putting the cursor and stuff thread on another core whenever possible is probably not a bad idea.

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Re: This is the official Trismegistus with Ex 0.9 download thread - by HolyDiver - 2011-01-13, 05:31 AM

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