This is the official Trismegistus with Ex 0.9 download thread

Both Todd (DMPDesign) and Ben (Verdite) ... please let me know guys how you'd like to be addressed ... have informed me that on their computers it appears Trismegistus.exe I think is connecting to the internet.

A) Nothing Ex does connects to the internet.

B) If the game is running Trismegistus.exe is actually in a catatonic state until Trismegistus.bin close. Specifically it calls WaitForSingleObject() which does not return until Trismegistus.bin is no more.

Therefore your computers must be infected by a virus, which has loaded itself into Trismegistus.exe's address space, created it's own execution thread, and is using that thread to impersonate Trismegistus.exe while it connects to the internet. This is all very bad behavior, and if you find out what software is responsible for this were I you I'd get it off my system asap.

Despite the utter lack of ethics, probably the software on your system that is causing this to happen likes to call itself "anti-virus" software. Ironic since it behaves exactly like a virus (at least virus is in the name I guess)

Last night while doing some research I came across some software which includes a disclaimer on its download page here ( which probably applies to Ex as well.

What's really horrible here is not that whatever software doing this thinks Ex might be a virus. But that it apparently does not put up a dialog box asking you if you think Ex is cool or not, and it does its dirty business from within Ex, making it look like Ex is doing it. Most likely its trying to look up Trismegistus.exe on its corporate website. Probably you have two different pieces of software at odds with one another. Like a software firewall and an anti-virus regime stepping on each others' toes. Either way it's unacceptable behavior.

Personally I don't trust anti-virus corporations. I suspect they are responsible for 99% of the viruses on the internet. All you need to protect yourself from viruses is education. If you have a sweet tooth for warez downloaded from shady places or by shady means quarantine that stuff on another computer and be thankful the viruses on it can't infect people. Anti-virus software can never truly protect computers you rely upon for work and security from your own stupidity and the shear amount of human evil that is out there Evil

PS: For the record, Trismegistus.exe makes use of the following Microsoft APIs which are probably arrows in every virus' quiver. And are for sure arrows in the quiver of whatever software is actually connecting to the internet on your computers.


SomEx.dll uses all but CreateRemoteThread.

These are official Microsoft APIs which can of course be used for good or evil. They are the only way to do things with software where recompiling the software is not an option on the table. Hence not something Ex can do without.

Messages In This Thread
Re: This is the official Trismegistus with Ex 0.9 download thread - by HolyDiver - 2011-01-15, 06:05 AM

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