This is the official Trismegistus with Ex 0.9 download thread

Shit it was the hardware "acceleration" ... WTF!?

It's good thing that sound card would pop on sound effects... otherwise I would not have found out short of setting up a custom profiling framework (which might yet happen one day)

This is probably why Microsoft dumped hardware acceleration for DirectSound (see another recent post of mine) for Vista/7. I guess I will have to revisit that post.

My guess is the card was trying to deliver on the 3D sound somehow, and the player moving would cause it to recalibrate its sound effects etc. It pisses me off you can't disable acceleration programmatically or even force things into software mode (near as I can tell it just doesn't take)

I swear most people in technology industries have no fucking clue what they're even doing. It's just crap everywhere you look.

EDITED: The only way to disable acceleration is to modify the registry. I'm assuming a restart is not required. For XP players it might even be worth setting up a message box to explain that they have hardware acceleration on and probably shouldn't / might cause problems for them ... and let them disable it in one click. The only problem is if you actually have a nice sound card or don't have like a dual/quad-core (pretty common now days) setup or hyperthreading™

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Re: This is the official Trismegistus with Ex 0.9 download thread - by HolyDiver - 2011-01-18, 01:57 PM

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