Translation template online

I've taken the liberty to setup a translation template here (

Tris is a little different in that the interface is liberally customized so I went to some length to reproduce all of that baked it into the template so any new translation will start with the Tris changes in English. I added some extra stuff which would remove the disembodied numbers from the interface and stripped out some stuff that should never appear in the game.

I'm not positive I got everything but fixes down the line are not a prob.

PS: I'm not nuts for puzzle/adventure games but the opening/atmosphere are really great. It seems like a universe that could have room for another adventure possibly of an entirely different kind. I did finish a few King's Quest games and Phantasmagoria once upon a time in my erstwhile youth. Damned if I can come up with another one...

EDITED: The actual directory is here ( ...the link above is for Japanese translation in the hopes that some will do it and so to have at least one translation visible. I'd post the non-printer version of the link but IE is having difficulty with the theme here lately.

Btw, there is a string of weird text artifacts in one section like so...



#: ENEMY[0000] Mask of Alch?y

msgid "Mask of Alch?y"
msgstr ""

#: ENEMY[0001] Demon of Alch?y

msgid "Demon of Alch?y"
msgstr ""

#: ENEMY[0002] Cat of Alch?y

msgid "Cat of Alch?y"
msgstr ""

#: ENEMY[0003] Sphere of Alch?y

msgid "Sphere of Alch?y"
msgstr ""

#: ENEMY[0004] Statue of Alch?y

msgid "Statue of Alch?y"
msgstr ""

#: ENEMY[0005] Cloth Skeleton of Alch?y

msgid "Cloth Skeleton of Alch?y"
msgstr ""

#: ENEMY[0006] Log Stalker of Alch?y

msgid "Log Stalker of Alch?y"
msgstr ""

#: ENEMY[0007] Golem of Alch?y

msgid "Golem of Alch?y"
msgstr ""

#: ENEMY[0008] Caterpillar of Alch?y

msgid "Caterpillar of Alch?y"
msgstr ""

#: ENEMY[0009] Basilisk of Alch?y

msgid "Basilisk of Alch?y"
msgstr ""

#: ENEMY[0010] Mimic of Alch?y

msgid "Mimic of Alch?y"
msgstr ""

#: ENEMY[0011] Hand of Alch?y

msgid "Hand of Alch?y"
msgstr ""

#: ENEMY[0012] 1

msgid "1"
msgstr ""

#: ENEMY[0015] Ghost of Alch?y

msgid "Ghost of Alch?y"
msgstr ""

#: ENEMY[0017] Warlock of Alch?y

msgid "Warlock of Alch?y"
msgstr ""

#: ENEMY[0020] Bringer of Death

msgid "Bringer of Death"
msgstr ""

#: ENEMY[0027] Pillar of Alch?y

msgid "Pillar of Alch?y"
msgstr ""


I replaced the character with em in the translation template for appearances, however that won't work very well work if this text appears in the game. If it doesn't appear then I suppose the lines may as well be removed so to avoid unnecessary translation work. However I'd like to know myself what is actually in that place. I can't think of any reason Exgettext would generate that unless it's in the file itself.

EDITED: I thought we'd got Unicode working Todd??

me too ‎  Doh
- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

I emailed Coffee last night. He thinks he will have time to look at this sometime in the coming weeks but this instant he can't catch a break for the business climate. I asked him to let any Japanese communities know they could cooperate effectively now.

I don't know if Todd is still planning to get a DD translation file up or bless his KF1 translation or not anymore.

It probably would not hurt to post a call for translators in whatever KF communities exist if anyone can do so.

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