Trouble downloading

Hi everyone.Sorry if this has been asked before.I'm sure it has I just can't find it.So, I just heard about this kit and the remake of the original KF game.I'm excited to try it out (Just did a run on ancient city and I need more!)

Anyway, When I click any of the links it takes me to a blank page.Right now I'm on a page titled Dropbox - SoM RPG Maker , But again the page is just blank.Any help or advice would be much appreciated.I'm on a Windows 7 Inspiron Laptop.Thanks in advance!

I you are serious you should be getting your files here ( but try both if you have time to kill.

Awesome.Ill try it out ASAP and get back with you.Thanks.

So I've been searching though it and it's pretty detailed about what the game is and how to use it, but I can not find a single link to download anything off there.I hate to seem like a pain in the butt, honestly I'm not too tec savy.I'll keep trying though and looking for more answers.I'd love to try some of the homemade games too listed on these forums, but they are blank too (maybe I need a Dropfile account?) anyway, thanks again.I'll keep searching through the page to find it.

Another quick question, Could I buy the actual copy of the game and install the translation patch later?

You have to use TortoiseSVN to download it from here:

It's a developer thing like GitHub. If you want to make games, you have to get used to reading instructions.

EDITED: As to " Another quick question, Could I buy the actual copy of the game and install the translation patch later?" you have to contact From Software's store and have it mailed to an address in Japan. It's crazy that they still honor these requests.

I don't really want it for the tool kit as much as I do the remade game and fan made homebrews.I use gamemaker studios as my softwear for game crafting.I would defently dabble with the tool kit though.I'm gonna have my brother look it over 'cause I'm sure he'll understand where I'm messing up or what I'm not getting here.

I'm enjoying browsing the topics on here Though.Kings Field is such a under rated gem Imo and it's just nice to be in good company I guess.I've been playing it since 96 and I still go back every few years and do a run of all three games I have (Though I've never used a guide and thus still never found a way to get the moonlight sword in Kings Field 2) Anyways, I'm babbling.Thanks for the info and resorces.Hopefully here in a day or two I'll have it running.

I've never been able to get the Moonlight Sword in KF2 myself. I'm going to be porting it to SOM. So it will be a perfect version. There is a different download for the KF game on this website. I've never played it through. I don't know how well it stands up compared to the original. It's probably not as pleasant an experience. Especially because SOM has so many issues. But I've worked on it for going on 10yrs, fixing hundreds of problems, and making it better, so if someone would just apply those fixes to the KF game/sample project, it would be at least a much more tolerable product, if not a solid game in itself (I think it needs more work in the design dept. on top of fixing glitches and bad user experience.)

I don't usually use this forum. It's been a wasteland for years, I guess I'm feeling sorry for it these days. I barged in to advertise a new Reddit forum I made last week.... in case of a sudden throng of SOM enthusiasts.

EDITED: The games don't require SOM to play. In fact they are full unencumbered commerce-ready products in their own right.

Hi greatmasterkupo, glad you have an interest in taking up SOM. ‎  Please confirm you have visited this topic:

All SOM related downloads are now accessible by board access through this thread and these dropbox links should be current. ‎  Let me know if they do not work for you and I can find an alternate means to host if need be. ‎  As Holy said though, his file sets and work on SoM may be your best bet if you are serious about using the toolset as he has improved the editor's functionality and compatibility.

- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

Thanks dmpdesign.Yeah I've clicked every link on that thread and still just get taken to a blank page.What's kinda wierd is although it's blank, there's still text I can copy and paste.For what it's worth, this is what it says;

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‎  They same thing happens when I'm using my cellphone too.I hate to hear that I missed the party.Glad to see you three active though.I just woke up a bit ago.I'm gonna try Holy divers set up again and look for a way to download it.Thanks for the replys though and keeping a eye out.

Perplexing to say the least, I tested out all the links yesterday on my wife's pc who doesnt have any dropbox or google account associated with it and had no problems. ‎  Thats the internet for you though, no point in troubleshooting it...I will find another method of hosting by loading it onto the backend of the site and I will send you a direct private message so it doesnt get bot downloaded.
- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

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