Unity Development Fridays

Hey gang, the programmer I work with is hosting a twitchtv channel every Friday (for now anyhow) where we get into the development of a game, start to finish, totally online.

We have done this two weeks in a row and the current game we are building is a milkfloat simulator (yes it sounds dreadful..but the development side is neat).

I am inviting everyone to poke their head in every Friday - we will be showing how to develop a simple game in Unity live, taking questions, fleshing out the game etc to the audience's liking. ‎  I suspect milkfloat will probably be finished up with 2 more sessions, but we have tons of other games coming up, such as a gauntlet clone, an 8 player capture the flag game etc etc. ‎  We really need to push the view rate so if you are interested in seeing development, learning about game dev or know someone who is please come!

You can find his twitch url here: ‎  https://www.twitch.tv/djarcas/

and I believe he will begin around 10am british time (5 am eastern) and will probably go most of the day.
- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

I would love to join in, but as usual, my satellite internet connection just isn't up to the bandwidth needs.

Twitch TV has a "record" feature I think. Do you guys record the sessions?

He was originally though it doesnt look like he has been recently, ‎  I will have to remind him to do that! ‎  Its too bad its an 8 hour time difference for you though :(
- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

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