Using Automation tools like Autoit3 for SOM

I have made 2 tutorials to demonstrate how autoit3 can be used to inject dialogue into a character through the Event Setup in SOM.
Download the zip file I have attached. ‎  Read the README. Download and install autoit3 [url][]

You must be running SOM (obviously) and be in the SOM_EDIT : SOM_MAP : Piece Specifications Setup window, also you must be highlighting
an NPC. ‎  Once you have autoit3 installed your computer will recognize the DialogueTutorial_01.au3 scripts. ‎  Highlight the file and Right mouseclick and select run
to run it - select edit to change it. The script will look for a text file called ‎  simpleman_0.txt ‎  this holds the dialogue you want to enter.

A window will popup and say "press ESC for emergency exit" press ok, and the script will wait until you are back in SOM. Press "Event Setup" while
your NPC is highlighted this (must be a new event not an existing one). ‎  The script will then execute.

Good luck................

Attached Files
.zip (Size: 8.04 KB / Downloads: 194)


I've been in a few situations myself where I suppose macros would've help probably save me some time and sore wrists. Might not hurt for automating event based treasure/door setups either.

Holy, if you get this figured out, mind helping me convert it to a section of the SOM tutorial on the main site?
- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder


If you have a particular style to setting up traps, doors, objects - this would guarantee that this style would be applied to all your objects in the map or game. ‎ Suppose you really like it when an object rotates or rises when you click on it, or maybe a NPC speaks his last words to you as he dies....then with a simple script you make sure that this style was consistently obeyed throughout your game. So I have used it to add "life" to objects, and NPC's making sure there is a more polished professional look and feel to the game.

You can make clever use of counters to track time, which NPC's you have spoken with, where you have been and then reference these counters with certain NPC's so they seem to know who you have spoken with, where you have been and when.....and when you save the game the counters are saved. ‎ There is a couple great events like OPEN_MAP, CLOSE_MAP and PLAYER_DEATH which could allow you to do things on every map (keeping track of time etc..) and when a player dies you can keep track of how many times he dies, and in what period of time all in a counter. So you could tell if the player was trying to glitch or just sucked....or was so good he never died....thus you could reward him.



I'm really confused. ‎  So you're saying if I swallow my mouse ball, the man with the big yellow hat will save me from choking?

*leans up against a piano*
*dives through a wooden fence*
*pees a little*
[Image: banner.gif]

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