VMWare Player may be a solution to the editor crashing

lol all i did was this...i installed SOM on the vmware hard drive...(just so it told the registry the program was installed)

then i mapped a network drive to my regular hard drive, call it drive Y: or whatever.

I then browsed drive Y for the som.exe and created a shortcut on the desktop of my VM session. ‎  I launch it straight from there.

Alternatively you could just launch the "local" som.exe on the vmware, just make sure if you go that way that you update your SOM files to match what is on the Y drive's SOM files else you may be missing some parts.

Next part of course is just mapping the .som project file to wherever it resides on the Y drive. ‎ 

Thats all I did, it should work ‎  Whee

- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

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Re: VMWare Player may be a solution to the editor crashing - by dmpdesign - 2009-10-08, 12:39 AM

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