VMWare Player may be a solution to the editor crashing

Since it had earlier been suggested to me to try Windows Virtual PC to remedy the issues some folks (including myself) have with running SOM editors on vista/xp with certain graphics cards and such I figured I would look into it.

My version of windows vista wasnt good enough to install Virtual PC, so I have looked into the next best thing...VMWare.

VMWare offers a free player that acts much like what I would assume Virtual PC can accomplish, the trick is having the VM application to run the windows install youre looking for...cuz its not free to have VMServer to create one.

It just so happens we have a copy of VM Server where I work and I have been able to create a windows XP SP3 appliance for use with VMWare Player...so this week I plan on finding a way to get that 5 gig file home to monkey with it on my vista machine and see if it can make editing SOM on that machine less of a chore.

I will post my results here, and if they are positive, will also host the VMWare appliance so everyone that needs it can download it and use it.
- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

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VMWare Player may be a solution to the editor crashing - by dmpdesign - 2009-07-01, 07:10 PM

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