2015-10-29, 05:46 PM
Thanks Alan xD
Vault of ideas(Mods/hacks for Brigandine) Updated 11/26/2015
2015-11-01, 01:40 AM
Awesome patch, Alan!!
I really like it. I think you should give another kind of 2nd tier monster to Esgares, maybe Tiamat, Vampire Lord or Phoenix. I really would like to see the exp bonus for enemy's units, that would balance the game.
2015-11-02, 08:43 AM
(2015-11-01, 01:40 AM)MrKel link Wrote: Awesome patch, Alan!! Hi MrKel, I'm glad that you like my patch. I thought about adding some 2nd tier monster to Esgares and increase the earning exp by killing enemy's units. However, the Esgares in my patch is really strong with reworked Zemeckis, Escalados, Cador, Esmeree, Shihara, Millet & Mira. I also added some good rune knight to Esgares squad. So I think if adding some other 2nd monsters will make the game imbalance. About the increase earning exp, now all of the countries can buy 2nd monster in early game plus some classes' halo spell, there is no need to add some bonus exp, because I think if we level up our knights and character so easily, the game will be bored LOL. I'm trying to make a better patch, so if you guys have any ideas or recommendations, pls comment. Thank you guys.
2015-11-04, 10:56 AM
Hi Duredure,
Thank you for your recommendations and I'm glad that you enjoy my patch. Here are my responses: 1- Give 1 of each item below to leaders of iscalio, esgares, leonia, norgard, new almekia and caerleon.=>Okay, NP. 2- mana start to all kingdom is 5000=>Okay, NP. 3- every city own should give 200 mana each turn and capitals 400 mana=>Okay, NP. 4- increase the rune power to all level 1 knights like alsace for example. I guess 180 is fine.=>Some low level knights have incredible rune rate (+ over 7 rune power when level up), almost higher than their kings (Rain of Empire, Hula of Iscalio...) so if we increase their rune power, they will become kings LOL 5- monsters changes =====>>> For the monster changes, you should know there are some problems, when you add another special attack to some monster (for example, you want to add Djinni special attack to Arch Angel) the game may crash. I tried before, as you can see, in my patch, the Holy Griff can use Jin's special attack, to get this result, i tested many times to ensure that the game will not crash (actually, I tried to add Artemis attack to High Centaur, Hydra special attack to dragon....etc... and the game crashed immediately) So I think it's better that we don't modify the monster attack or special attack (but increasing power of their existing attack or special attack is okay). About adding 2nd skill for monsters, we cannot do that, because the game only allow 1 monster have 1 skill (not like rune knight can have many skills, and the skills are inherited when level up). I tried to add many skills for monsters but failed, they can only have 1 skill no matter how many skills you try to add. I also don't know why only lizard king has 2 skills (shield block and re-act) About adding spells for monsters, do you think it is necessary? Because some monster have very low INT like Tiamat, their spell damage is bad. I tried to add flame for death needle, and the damage came from its spell was just like sh*t. LOL That's why I only choose to add the damage spell to some monster have acceptable INT level, while add non-damage spell (like fury) to some monsters have low INT level. For other changes I can make. But I think the game will become imbalance, it will take me a lot of time and I'm kinda busy now :D If you want to have a patch in short time, I can give you the methods-in details how to create a patch by yourself (don't worry, very simple, as I wrote down all the necessary code, you just enter and make changes). However, you finished the game with Leonia, rite? How about Kiloph and Lyonesse? They are awesome, right? LOL When I played as Leonia, I always crack the head of Vaynard and eliminate Norgard first, as they want war so I tell them who is the boss here. Haha.
Hello alan
Thanks for the quick answer! Sad to know that the game crashes with some monsters mods =\ So let's discuss. 1- Give 1 of each item below to leaders of iscalio, esgares, leonia, norgard, new almekia and caerleon.=>Okay, NP. 2- mana start to all kingdom is 5000=>Okay, NP. 3- every city own should give 200 mana each turn and capitals 400 mana=>Okay, NP. Wonderful :D **************************************************************** 4- increase the rune power to all level 1 knights like alsace for example. I guess 180 is fine.=>Some low level knights have incredible rune rate (+ over 7 rune power when level up), almost higher than their kings (Rain of Empire, Hula of Iscalio...) so if we increase their rune power, they will become kings LOL I understand. So is better bring this lv 1 knights with someone that can cast halo and grind some levels. ***************************************************************** So I think it's better that we don't modify the monster attack or special attack (but increasing power of their existing attack or special attack is okay). Hum I go check about increasing power ***************************************************************** About adding 2nd skill for monsters, we cannot do that, because the game only allow 1 monster have 1 skill (not like rune knight can have many skills, and the skills are inherited when level up). I tried to add many skills for monsters but failed, they can only have 1 skill no matter how many skills you try to add. I also don't know why only lizard king has 2 skills (shield block and re-act) NP. about lizard king, he have two skills because he's a king LOL :D **************************************************************** About adding spells for monsters, do you think it is necessary? Because some monster have very low INT like Tiamat, their spell damage is bad. I tried to add flame for death needle, and the damage came from its spell was just like sh*t. LOL That's why I only choose to add the damage spell to some monster have acceptable INT level, while add non-damage spell (like fury) to some monsters have low INT level. thinking now about it, I agree with you. It's better only change spells list for monsters with acceotable Int like: unicorn type, angel type, demon type, pixie, djinns. To low int monsters add support spells like fury, dumb, etc. I go remake this spells list and we can discuss later to try find a balance ************************************************************** For other changes I can make. But I think the game will become imbalance, it will take me a lot of time and I'm kinda busy now :D If you want to have a patch in short time, I can give you the methods-in details how to create a patch by yourself (don't worry, very simple, as I wrote down all the necessary code, you just enter and make changes). Before we think in do more mods, let's discuss more ideas bro. As you probably know Brigandine Ge was release in may of 2000. We waited for almost 15 years for this amazing translating from HwitVlf. So we can wait more time to try create a final mod. About patching I'm kind noob in this but if you said that is simple, I can try it for testing another ideas, checking for crashs,etc. . ********************************************************** However, you finished the game with Leonia, rite? How about Kiloph and Lyonesse? They are awesome, right? LOL When I played as Leonia, I always crack the head of Vaynard and eliminate Norgard first, as they want war so I tell them who is the boss here. Haha. I like lyonesse and loved the new spells. Kiloph is awesome when he changed to avenger. I was hoping to duel against another avenger(Meleagant) to test but new almekia was destroyed so fast this time oO. Esgares kick their asses LOL I like to go against iscalio first. He always call for a fight first. norgard was too much passive this time and didn't atacked me for a long time. **************************************************************** when you had some time, please say your opinion about this specific ideas to we try balance the spells: 1- delete holy world for arch angel because arch demon don't have any area spell. To balance we add some non damage spells for both. 2-add halo to pixies(they should be usefull now) 3- increasing damage for spell and increasing hex is possible to monsters? If is, what do you think about the changes in some spells for some high Int monsters example: in Seraph spel listl: area heal(increase to 3 hex and mana cost 160), heal(increase +1 hex), holy word(increase +10 power). Satan spell list: curse(increase to 3 hex/mana cost 150),venom(+1 hex), dimension(+1 hex), dumb, fury(+1hex), meteor doom, add charm and delete necro rebirth(he have meteor doom) 4- about increasing rune cost, increasing summon mana, adding specific class 2 monsters to specific capitals to be summoned. What do you think about the balance for it? Btw: The huge mana necessary to summon monsters is because they are already a lv 10 monster. All countrys won't have too much mana to spam monsters. This way we can choose wait mana acumulate to summon lv 10 that we want. I increased rune cost and mana summon cost for specific monsters. a) phoenix, holy gryphon, couarl, red dragon and white dragon have the same rune cost 100 and same mana summon cost 2000. I guess that after your modification in statuses, all them are balanced now. b) Tiamat is another case. he cost 120 rune and I put 2300 to summon mana for a lv 10 tiamat. I can't say if he is in the same level of the monsters above or better(like fafnir,salamander and bahamut). 5- About my talos idea,did you like it? it's possible summon a level 30 monster, right? would be very fun to see it 6- Abouht djinns: they have initial 60 INT, do you think it's acceptable add one specific atack spell to each leveled djinn? efreeti got flame, marid got frost, dao got venom, djinni got heal, shaitan got thunder PS: I updated the ideas from the previous post. Thanks bro and sorry my English
2015-11-05, 07:48 AM
1- delete holy world for arch angel because arch demon don't have any area spell. To balance we add some non damage spells for both. ===>It's okay. 2-add halo to pixies(they should be usefull now) ===>OK 3- increasing damage for spell and increasing hex is possible to monsters? If is, what do you think about the changes in some spells for some high Int monsters example: in Seraph spel listl: area heal(increase to 3 hex and mana cost 160), heal(increase +1 hex), holy word(increase +10 power). Satan spell list: curse(increase to 3 hex/mana cost 150),venom(+1 hex), dimension(+1 hex), dumb, fury(+1hex), meteor doom, add charm and delete necro rebirth(he have meteor doom) ===>Yes, we can modify spell (increasing hex, damage, add/remove spell). But in my opinion, if we increase the damage for spell (especially AoE spell) for example: Holy word's damage + 10, the game will become imbalance. As we know, AoE spells are destructive in this game and can clean enemy squad very quick. If we increase AoE damage, we also need to increase monster and knight classes HP. 4- about increasing rune cost, increasing summon mana, adding specific class 2 monsters to specific capitals to be summoned. What do you think about the balance for it? Btw: The huge mana necessary to summon monsters is because they are already a lv 10 monster. All countrys won't have too much mana to spam monsters. This way we can choose wait mana acumulate to summon lv 10 that we want. I increased rune cost and mana summon cost for specific monsters. a) phoenix, holy gryphon, couarl, red dragon and white dragon have the same rune cost 100 and same mana summon cost 2000. I guess that after your modification in statuses, all them are balanced now. b) Tiamat is another case. he cost 120 rune and I put 2300 to summon mana for a lv 10 tiamat. I can't say if he is in the same level of the monsters above or better(like fafnir,salamander and bahamut). ===>The reason i didn't increase mana cost for 2nd tier monster because I want the game to become more challenge, AI can buy high level monster from the beginning, if we-players don't buy 2nd tier monsters and only use low level monster, the game will be hard and it is interesting. (actually, when I played as Iscalio, I deleted Bahamut and Gigas, only used low level monster, Carleon with Cai + Dinandan often invaded my castle with around 5-6 Couatls and some 2nd tier monster they can summon. It's very fun because you need to think carefully before give order to your characters every turn. As 1 wrong move can cost the game). :D I enjoy playing hard game, but it is okay if you want to do so, I'll change the mana cost as you suggested, i can also modify the level of summoned monster (that means you can buy lv 1 tiamat or lv bahamut w/o any problem). 5- About my talos idea,did you like it? it's possible summon a level 30 monster, right? would be very fun to see it ===> Yes, as I said above, we can even have lv 1 talos if we want. LOL 6- Abouht djinns: they have initial 60 INT, do you think it's acceptable add one specific atack spell to each leveled djinn? efreeti got flame, marid got frost, dao got venom, djinni got heal, shaitan got thunder ===> Yes, it's okay, but I think if we want to do that, we may need to increase their mana pool if not they will exhaust very soon. I want to try to add Lyonesse's attack for jin, djinni or marid... but I'm afraid that the game will crash and I don't have many time to test. I think it will be great if we can create some new attack/ spell, but sadly, the game code is limited, that means if we want to add a new attack or spell, we have to delete the existing one. I spent many hours in modifying the game and I discover that there is not only codes for the original single player, but the authors also included codes for scenarios in multi-player mode. If we can find the way to merge the data, we will have many available space for create new attack/special attack/spell/item/skill or even new type of monsters (I tried many times but failed and the game crashed). :(
3- increasing damage for spell and increasing hex is possible to monsters? If is, what do you think about the changes in some spells for some high Int monsters example: in Seraph spel listl: area heal(increase to 3 hex and mana cost 160), heal(increase +1 hex), holy word(increase +10 power).
Satan spell list: curse(increase to 3 hex/mana cost 150),venom(+1 hex), dimension(+1 hex), dumb, fury(+1hex), meteor doom, add charm and delete necro rebirth(he have meteor doom) ===>Yes, we can modify spell (increasing hex, damage, add/remove spell). But in my opinion, if we increase the damage for spell (especially AoE spell) for example: Holy word's damage + 10, the game will become imbalance. As we know, AoE spells are destructive in this game and can clean enemy squad very quick. If we increase AoE damage, we also need to increase monster and knight classes HP. hum, let's forget about increasing spell damage and area spell. maybe only increase +1 hex for seraph heal and +1 hex for satan venom, they are class 3 monster and should have more reach than angel,arch angel, demon, arch demon. What do you think? 4- about increasing rune cost, increasing summon mana, adding specific class 2 monsters to specific capitals to be summoned. What do you think about the balance for it? Btw: The huge mana necessary to summon monsters is because they are already a lv 10 monster. All countrys won't have too much mana to spam monsters. This way we can choose wait mana acumulate to summon lv 10 that we want. I increased rune cost and mana summon cost for specific monsters. a) phoenix, holy gryphon, couarl, red dragon and white dragon have the same rune cost 100 and same mana summon cost 2000. I guess that after your modification in statuses, all them are balanced now. b) Tiamat is another case. he cost 120 rune and I put 2300 to summon mana for a lv 10 tiamat. I can't say if he is in the same level of the monsters above or better(like fafnir,salamander and bahamut). [/b] ===>The reason i didn't increase mana cost for 2nd tier monster because I want the game to become more challenge, AI can buy high level monster from the beginning, if we-players don't buy 2nd tier monsters and only use low level monster, the game will be hard and it is interesting. (actually, when I played as Iscalio, I deleted Bahamut and Gigas, only used low level monster, Carleon with Cai + Dinandan often invaded my castle with around 5-6 Couatls and some 2nd tier monster they can summon. It's very fun because you need to think carefully before give order to your characters every turn. As 1 wrong move can cost the game). :D I enjoy playing hard game, but it is okay if you want to do so, I'll change the mana cost as you suggested, i can also modify the level of summoned monster (that means you can buy lv 1 tiamat or lv bahamut w/o any problem). So you can change the level of the summon creature.. hummm. But I loved your idea of summon a lv 10 class 2 monster, because they have more chance to reach high levels like lv 25-30. About the mana pool, besides having starting 5000 mana, if a country has 4 cities and 1 capital they can get 1200 mana for turn and this could be changed later after some tests to reach a balance. :D About my talos idea,did you like it? it's possible summon a level 30 monster, right? would be very fun to see it ===> Yes, as I said above, we can even have lv 1 talos if we want. LOL an ultimate lv 30 monster would be amazing XD Abouht djinns: they have initial 60 INT, do you think it's acceptable add one specific atack spell to each leveled djinn? efreeti got flame, marid got frost, dao got venom, djinni got heal, shaitan got thunder ===> Yes, it's okay, but I think if we want to do that, we may need to increase their mana pool if not they will exhaust very soon. Yes, great idea Alan! They are weak creatures and can't counter atack. At least they should cast more than pegasus/nightmare. Lv30 Dao/Marid/Djinni/Efreeti/Shaitan HP: 570 MP: 245 ->(even if their special atack cost only 50, they can cast 4 times at level 30 and became useless lol) At LV 10 they have only MP: 145 Lv30 Pegasus HP: 640 MP: 267 (it's ok for him, he can hit hard a weak black element monster, besides his critical move) At LV 10 they have MP 167 My idea before: lv 10 Pegasus 1500 summon mana, 65 rune cost lv 10 Dao/Marid/Djinni/Efreeti/Shaitan 1300 summon mana, 55 rune cost My idea now: lv 10 Pegasus 1500 summon mana, 65 rune cost lv 10 Dao/Marid/Djinni/Efreeti/Shaitan 1500 summon mana, 65 rune cost All special atacks cost 50 mana, they should cast at least this 4 times at level 10. So How about increasing mana to MP:200 at lv 10 and reduce mana grown(we don't want overpower too much). Of course they can cast new spells if they wanted like flame,heal, venom, frost,thunder but cost more mana I want to try to add Lyonesse's attack for jin, djinni or marid... but I'm afraid that the game will crash and I don't have many time to test. As far I could see, after your mod all knights are decent now bro. Lyonesse is very cool now. Maybe Cai could get more +1 hex in some spells(not the Aoe). Because he's the best magician in the game after buinol). Well, I don't have anymore ideas besides all this. ![]() Thanks Alan
2015-11-06, 03:46 AM
Hi Duredure,
I think it's okay for your suggestions. After update the patch we will test to see the balance of the game. But you should know something: currently we have some specific spells shared by some monsters and knights (curse is shared by demon and druid, heal is shared by angel/arch angel/ seraph and unicorn/pegasus), they don't have their own heal/curse spells. For example, when you make changes for seraph's heal, that means you also make changes for unicorn/pegasus/bishop/etc... heal spell. So it is impossible if you want increase hex area for only seraph's heal while keep the hex area of the other classes heal spell unchanged. You think it's okay? About the Mana, currently we have 2 changeable factors for each attribute: starting number and grow rate. Starting number is the number you have when you start a new game or summon a new monster. Grow rate is the number that will be increase when you level up your knights/monsters. So it is okay that you want to increase the mana pool and decrease the mana grow rate for jin/marid/djinni... Actually, I thought that it's not fair for arch demon because she doesn't have any AoE spell, so I changed venom into AoE spell like Geno-thunder. But after tested, I saw it is too imbalance if we can poison multi-enemies by just casting a single spell, so I removed the change. LOL.
Hello Alan :D
"But you should know something: currently we have some specific spells shared by some monsters and knights (curse is shared by demon and druid, heal is shared by angel/arch angel/ seraph and unicorn/pegasus), they don't have their own heal/curse spells. For example, when you make changes for seraph's heal, that means you also make changes for unicorn/pegasus/bishop/etc... heal spell. So it is impossible if you want increase hex area for only seraph's heal while keep the hex area of the other classes heal spell unchanged" You think it's okay? Sorry I didn't know about that. Let's keep the original hex then. :( "About the Mana, currently we have 2 changeable factors for each attribute: starting number and grow rate. Starting number is the number you have when you start a new game or summon a new monster. Grow rate is the number that will be increase when you level up your knights/monsters. So it is okay that you want to increase the mana pool and decrease the mana grow rate for jin/marid/djinni..." Original Stat Growth: HP: 8-12 MP: 4-6 (maybe we could change this to 5-6) STR: 0-1 INT: 1-2 AGI: 1-2 If we count 5-6 mana growth each level. At: lv 10 = 200 mana (he can cast 4 times the special of 50 mana) lv 20= 250~260 mana ( he can cast 5 times the special of 50 mana) lv 30= 300 ~320 mana ( he can cast 6 times the special of 50 mana) I guess it's a good balance. "Actually, I thought that it's not fair for arch demon because she doesn't have any AoE spell, so I changed venom into AoE spell like Geno-thunder. But after tested, I saw it is too imbalance if we can poison multi-enemies by just casting a single spell, so I removed the change. LOL." it's indeed unfair. Even if we remove the holy word from arch angel, he still have the AoE area heal. If we remove the area heal from arch angel it's pretty unfair too. Damn.. If we could add area poison only with arch demon could be ok, but as you said before, it's impossible change hex for only one monster because they share the same spells with others.. Well I guess It's better at least "unremove" the necro birth to next class satan. About increasing rune cost for monsters: Example: if some knight had like 180 rune power when you started the campaign and all his initial monsters in his team had 160 rune in total, after the patch maybe this monsters would had a lot more than 180 rune cost in total inside the knight team. Do you think that the game could crash? In the multiplayer mode this crash could happen too if we increase rune cost for monsters? If the game crashs, I guess we could have two options: 1- keep the original rune cost for all monster or 2- delete all initial monsters from every rune knight(in normal mode and in the multiplayer modes) and give 9999 initial mana to all? This way AI go choose their monsters and send lots knights to quest in the beginning of the game. This can be done in the multiplayer too right? Also there's another problem in the battle Against Bulnoil: bulnoil don't have any summon and have 0 rune power - ok NP But his two knights(Gaheris the Death Warrior and Olwen the Death Sniper) have summons. Gaheris the Death Warrior has 376 rune power 1 lucifer 120 rune 1 talos 90 rune (we can still have the talos lv 30, 9999 sumon but rune cost back to original) 1 salamander 115 rune 1 lizard king 50 rune total 375 Olwen the Death Sniper has 368 rune power 1 lilith 120 rune 1 talos 90 rune (we can still have the talos lv 30, 9999 sumon but rune cost back to original) 1 bahamut 110 rune 1 fairy 45 rune total 365 So all this monsters should have the same original rune cost, otherwise game would crash on this battle. Or maybe don't crash at all Thanks |
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