Water realm stumpage.

Hi, me again. I've actually made great strides since my last thread. Here is my current status:

intelligence 15
magic level 42
solves 81/118

The Wind realm turned out to be easier than the Earth realm.

I'm currently on the Wind realm. I've solved some of the riddles (fountain, clocks, water), and now I'm trying to get the key at the end of a previously-flooded hallway. My problem is that one of the pillars that I bring up does not sit in the middle like the rest. This makes it impossible for me to get across from one side to the other. I tried displacing it, nothing. The pillar does not look big enough to make me think I will need Displace III or something. I also looked for an Insignia of Wind, but did not find any.

At this point I'm stuck. I checked the dark perspective, and didn't find any clues that would help me figure out what to do next. Help?

Thanks for continually posting here - something I'm definitely glad to see.

Also, thanks for being considerate as far as labeling spoilers or lack thereof.


You ALMOST have that puzzle. The answer is in Displace II - I'm guessing the only reason you got stuck is because you don't quite have the right angle.... actually, how close are you standing? Come to think of it, I had problems with that whenever I stood too close to the pillar I was trying to move.

Upheave it, then Displace it. Try not to stand too close and try different angles. It will work.

Nice stats by the way! A little big higher magic ability level and you'll be able to use every relic in the game!

There is one Insignia of Wind in the Wind Lair. (well, two if you count the light and dark perspectives). You've probably overlooked something. Look up much when on the bottom level?
[Image: banner.gif]

Probable mucosal damage may contraindicate the use of gastric lavage.

I'm sorry, that was a typo. I'm actually on the Water realm. I've successfully traversed the Wind realm and obtained the appropriate staff (not to mention two relics).

I'll try your suggestion, I'm glad you confirmed that I was doing the correct action.

Holy christ, what is the proper angle, and can I get a confirmation its displace 2?

At minute 20 (honestly) and still haven't found the right combination of distance and angle to move this pillar in the water realm.

Will screen shot the appropriate positioning if I ever find it :P
- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

Woot ok, found an easy way to get this to work.

Stand ON the pillar when you use upheaval, this pushes you off to the exact spot you have to use displace 2.

Tom, without looking at your event I don't really know, but is it possible that if someone uses upheaval then leaves the area, that displace wont work until you upheaval again?

I really can't imagine i couldnt get it to move after 20 mins of trying the spell and on the first try after re-upheavaling it, it works perfectly.
- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

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