What is your total completion % in the library?

The game has 20 maps total (not including the library).

The % is based on items and certain events unlocked, not necessarily how many areas youve seen.

if i had to make a guess you probably havent gotten to Atainius's underwater area and thedecks volcanic keep.

Those two have a lot of unlocks in them alone.

For those of you who did reach Atainius's underwater area with the boots...did you notice the second path in the water you could toward heading south? ‎  If you hurry down that path you can make it to the secret area of the lagoon ;)

- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

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Re: What is your total completion % in the library? - by dmpdesign - 2009-12-31, 02:23 AM

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