

I was able to improve the drift and tracking precision a great deal just by switching the precision over to 64-bit Doh

(edited: In my defense, I am not the code's original author, but I should've caught it more soon.)

I've taken it back to the less wobbly setting, since drift is much improved by this, and since the wobble is a lot more wobbly than just noisy now, with the extra added precision. I was able to determine that the 0.1 setting seemed optimal for eliminating drift. I may put it back if I can decouple the sense of where the head set is from what you see inside the game.

(I kind of miss the wobble. I'm sure it had a seasickness effect, by a little, but it added some fuzz to the picture, that is much welcome when pixels are so huge/in-your-face.)

The link has some information about using the mute and volume controls to recenter. The +/- buttons I don't really recommend, but they can recenter the yaw only, which is what tends to drift. I set them up to test if it was just drifting like into a valley and just staying there, in which case adding a little correction to the picture would've been a good strategy, but that was not the case. It just seemed like it was.

EDITED: I'd say that the tracking feels a lot more like the home-theater mode now. Still, I don't know why it drifts so. It may not implement the "fusion" function. Maybe if I plugged it into the PS4 it would get a fix by firmware upgrade.

For what it's worth, I've patched the menus, which did not have a 3D effect before, aside from the text. It's mainly noteworthy because I think it might be a good way to figure out your ipd setting, since it can be hard to tell, especially when using the shorter, default character model...

It seems to create an optical illusion, so that if you open the Inventory screen, you can use the two faux 3D frames down the center as a guide. If you get your IPD setting right, your brain will probably begin to interpret the 3D textures as smooth 3D objects, and create a relief from them.

I haven't tried all of the frame options. I can only speak for the double gray borders, since they happened to be the ones my test project used. Moratheia's custom frames didn't fair as well. And a weird side effect is that picture backgrounds will appear 3D, but will be much closer than the items, so that they will to your brain appear like window panes in front of the items. I don't know when the menus or story text will be ready for play. They're obviously not a big priority right now. I'm not supposed to be working on VR like I am, but it seems to always monopolize my interest nonetheless.


Here (https://www.swordofmoonlight.net/bbs2/in...45#msg2545) is a really good patch, that greatly improves movement, which helps a lot with VR. It was mainly an accidental finding, but it was noticing things in VR that turned me onto these matters.

Also, the PSVR's control pad now controls the IPD setting, instead of volume. The F3 key can still do so also, but it doesn't work as well going down to lower IPD values. It now loops back around, and requires the Shift key to go lower... which is not really recommended, because it also requires the Alt key in order to not attack at the same time.

EDITED: I hit a rough patch with that last one. It's sorted out now however. I had to spend more time with it to see that it was misbehaving. I tried to get it to work until I all but gave up, but circled back around when it dawned on me to just try different ways to warp a square into a circle (read the link) and I had to identify some subtle glitches also, that are good finds going forward Bowl

I put up some patches earlier today that get the controller based movement back on track since some the changes I made a while back (in the midst of this thread) enhanced movement at the cost of disrupting other aspects of movement. Right now its twice as good as it's ever been, and I think that it was probably already far better than any commercial video game before. Movement is critically important to the VR experience.


Right now I'm working on King's Field II and MPX, which is how I had intended to spend 2018 until I got sidetracked into completely unexpected business, and then VR. But I think the release after the next, is going to drill down on movement, since a lot of extensions need to be updated to reflect these changes, and I want to make some of them more visible, including interactive in-game features.

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