How do you feel about offensive magic being removed entirely from Rathmor, and only having healing magic? This will allow for a combat focus game that feels more organic and less 'fantasy' also, ...
I'm all for it! "Live by the sword, live a good, long time!" - Minsc
1 25.00%
It sounds like a good idea, but I can see flaws here (so I'm going to post about my concerns)
2 50.00%
I'm all for combat, but leave a few secret offensive magic spells in the game for players to find.
0 0%
I'd rather play a balance of combat and magic, regardless of the game setting and the way enemies react.
1 25.00%
Spells are essential in any game that involves combat, as a fail safe against enemy attacks. I'm against it.
0 0%
Total: 4 vote(s) 100%