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Recommended Games! - Printable Version

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Re: Recommended Games! - Holy_Diver - 2010-08-29

Hmmm, never heard of a Turkish made video game before. How do you control the game? I think I will recommend it to my brother. He's always been into historical PC games. The Warband sounds more interesting. I would maybe pick it out of a bargain bin on a lark now. How much does it cost on Steam? It doesn't look like a budget title.

Re: Recommended Games! - Verdite - 2010-08-30

Well warband was released this year. ‎  There was 66% off yesterday... Dunno what the price is now. Mount and blade is great fun. Dont forget thats theres two versions... Mount and blade, and Mount and blade: Warband. Warband has multiplayer, but Mount and blade has more mods (atm.)

You control the character with mouse and wasd keys. Left click to attack, right to block. You recruit peasants and train them into warriors. After each battle, you recover part of the loot from troops you defeated. Theres an overview map... You roam around doing as you wish, taking on quests or raiding, or defending.

All trial versions can be found here.

If you want to play a great samurai mod for 0.903 its below. There are new versions but this is the most stable.

I've got a new troop tree that i made for that mod if anyones interested...

Re: Recommended Games! - Holy_Diver - 2010-09-02

I found a guide (https://www2u.biglobe.ne.jp/~yamachin/necroman/necro0.htm) for Jaseiken Necromancer!!

No wonder I was stuck. Apparently there are some phantom walls you gotta walk thru, and apparently the last event I did hinted at one that is necessary to finish the game. I don't know if the dialogue for the hint is replayable or not.

Also learned that an item I figured could only be equipped by characters I chose not to play with which I sold (inventory space is severely at a premium) after carrying it around the whole game opens up a special dungeon (probably by using it over a nondescript square of land) which houses the best armor/helmet in the game... only slightly better than what you can buy but can be equipped by characters which otherwise can't wear better armor.

The spirit of this game really sticks with me. Maybe just because I can't think of a single other fantasy CRPG that comes more from the horror school of esthetics. KF is pretty horror-ish, but more like Castlevania or Vampire Hunter D. Of course Castlevania and KF are neither CRPGs. Despite it's primitive nature it has a lot going for it in the gameplay dept. and the challenge level (especially if you choose any of the many irresistible "extra baggage" characters is quite high)

The story synopsis on wikipedia (ja) actually makes it sound quite intriguing... Google translated:

Romina Kane hero save during the trip. Cane sword arm was expected, look for lime and chaos with evil necromancer Seiken, to travel down the sky Demon King Azathoth. Romina and join the chase after the man and three Maisuto. Go underground and have to destroy demons Taronesu contaminated water, and there lay the bodies of Hawke Maisuto brother. Kane saved the city from killing monsters with a dagger with a star sapphire Hawk's Legacy. Harmonia towards the next line, it is suspicious not get into the castle. Miranda would have been the daughter of Reinhart stone manor such time. Kane will succeed in saving the Miranda got a pentagram challenging five minarets. And receive a certificate of appreciation from Eginosu Reinhardt, where it was written and the Holy Grail is divided into three Aburamerin the Magus Necromancer. Line to put these in hand toward the sky labyrinth. But they will get back the Necromancer all alone for the Holy Grail while fighting demons chaos. Aburamerin chaos descended, had been aiming to become a Necromancer Haoh. Chaos, however, died after being struck by lightning Necromancer disconnected from the sheath. Kane has the Necromancer will begin full-scale attack to the island Azathoth dwells evil demons. Azathoth met Cain, and Cain is pulling Necromancer Necromancer mental control, we cut one after another to kill allies. ?Tta the Romina you, necromancer is complete resurrected. Romina Mioneria is a descendant of the goddess of water and gave their blood was as holy water blessing Necromancer. Cain kills Azathoth This return to sanity. After the war, Cain asked the king to dispose of more than someone who Necromancer was a trip back in proportion to Romina.

I'm thinking somehow it might be fun to adapt to a Som game because I don't think the world would ever fully appreciate it without such drastic measures. The only trouble is it's hard to imagine without the multi-character element. I thought about trying to make it an experimental rail shooter where the two party mates orbit the player Cho Aniki (or R-Type if you prefer) style. But I'm feeling more like it would be more interesting (and not very difficult) to map out the entire world and try to integrate the extra characters somehow and eventually make it full blown Secret of Mana style networked multiplayer someday (probably not using the original Som runtimes)

PS: It also has appeal I think because the Necromancer would fit snuggly into the pantheon of epic KF swords. Like KF it's a game centered around a single sword.

Re: Recommended Games! - Holy_Diver - 2010-09-02

^Apparently the story synopsis there is from a 1989 manga which appears to be based on the game rather than vice versa. Ordering (https://www.amazon.co.jp/gp/switch-language/product/488063509X/ref=dp_change_lang?ie=UTF8&language=en_JP) a copy might be the only way to see it. The author was a "hentai" pioneer but it's hard to imagine a manga based upon a Hudson game being salacious or even risque. Though it did have an adult (bloody/realistic) esthetic and the PC-Engine lineage of consoles are well known for their nudey games, but I can't think of an Hudson games with pornographic elements.

There was also a Jaseiken 2 released as a mobile phone game not long ago (which I was aware of) but it does not look at all interesting or anything like the original frankly. About as far off base as possible.

EDITED: Man I knew software sells outside Japan were banned, but even none of the book sellers on amazon.co.jp will ship international anymore :/

Re: Recommended Games! - Verdite - 2010-09-19

Medievil for psp is one of my top choices of games.

Re: Recommended Games! - Holy_Diver - 2010-09-19

That is the only game I've thought about buying in the PSN store. Since you recommend it, I will probably give it a shot. Especially because my Japan account is pretty tapped out, and the dollar to yen exchange rate is miserable right now.

EDITED: Oh yeah, the US store has a 15th anniversary thing going on that includes half off pricing for a small selection of Classics games that change out every two days or so. I'll probably wait until that ends, in case I can save 6$ on the two Medievil titles :cheapo:

Re: Recommended Games! - Verdite - 2010-09-19

I have played medievil 2 on the ps, however the psp version is a remake of the original. I havent played medievil on the ps1 though i really should, as i was amazed at the psp version. I really laughed out loud, hard, many times.

I think medievil is the best looking game ive seen on the psp.

Re: Recommended Games! - Holy_Diver - 2010-09-22

There are some firsts is the US PSN store today.

There are actually two Japanese imports on sell (billed as being "completely unaltered" as if that was a feature) ...I actually already purchased both of these (Cho Aniki and Gaia Seed -- both shmups) from the J store... I'm guessing only fairly straightforward games will be released this way, but it's a first. Gaia Seed actually plays in Engrish by default I think. It made me realize I'm not so crazy about the PSOne classic pricing. 6$ seems way too much for a PSOne game. The Japanese prices only seem good to me because it's cheaper/easier than importing.

Also Sonic Adventure from the Dreamcast is on sell for 10$. I hope this will pave the way for more Sega console titles. Dreamcast games tend to be a lot more work to gain access to than most... and a lot of the games are quality / better than the sum of their ports. Don't see Sonic on sale in the Japan store. I wonder if Wii's Virtual Console is sporting Sega games... seems like that would be an odd fit given the old rivalry.

I would find me a Wii if only for the Virtual Console because the little ****ers play full burn at about 1/20th the electricity the PS3 (and 360) requires to download an update. But the Wii is region locked!? So ****it. Speaking of which the fact that the PS3 ever wants to download shit in the foreground (considering the power/heat it uses/generates) really makes me angry Mad

PS: SOTN and Castlevania Chronicles (not on the J store lineup BTW) were finally dropped from the sale bin. In their place is some low rated track and field game... seriously, WTF PSN US (or NA, or whatever) ?!

Re: Recommended Games! - Verdite - 2010-09-22

I love some of the castlevanias... Ever play castlevania 64?

Re: Recommended Games! - Holy_Diver - 2010-09-23

I'm not a big fan of N64. Would not have had one as a kid except our grandparents thought they were doing us a big solid by springing an N64 on us one xmas.

I was not crazy about Castlevania "64". As I recall I gave up trying to make sense of the hedge maze / Frankenstein monster scenario. I'm not really so nuts about the Castlevania series. The original game though was the first we ever owned, even before we had a Nintendo. I think I'm more in love with the atmosphere / central tropes. 2 is probably my favorite.

Starfox was really good on N64 and we played a lot of multi-player Golden Eye. Some of the games like the jetski one were not bad.