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Metasequoia modeler tutorials and Keynote translated plugins - Printable Version

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Re: Metasequoia modeler tutorials and Keynote translated plugins - Verdite - 2013-09-28

"I was ending up with a harsh step between color fields that I really didn't like in my hand painting attempts. You painted in multiple layers of similar colors and used what I think was a "soften/blending" tool to smooth it all together in the end."

Actually it sounds like the opacity was interfering here, switch to GIMP and I can help you alot more ‎  Smile the main thing to remember about your brushes is the opacity amount, pressure amount and the mode its used for - in some parts of the video I used the 'overlay' mode for my brush which blends whatever colour you are using into an existing colour, primarily I stick to blacks and whites as overlay colours.

The only time I used the smudge tool for smoothing, was when I took away the atlas lines around the cheeks, neck and head but left some lines as a guide for the eyes etc.

That final effect was achieved by using the curves feature in GIMP, I find it alot easier to work with rather than using levels to edit colours.

"Even Dark Souls' textures look like they are 16bit to me most of the time"

Thats more noticable on the PC version IMO.

Re: Metasequoia modeler tutorials and Keynote translated plugins - HwitVlf - 2013-09-29

(2013-09-28, 10:56 AM)Holy Diver link Wrote: The best thing you can do for yourself is stick to 16bit colour. If your gradients are 32 shades you'll have a much easier time than 256 shades, and the gradients will still be gradients after down converting to 16bit colour. All SOM textures are 16bit. Except in extreme cases like sky gradients it will look fine.
You don't see 16bit color much outside PS1 which used it for palleted colors because it worked well with the hardware (5bits for RGB +1 bit for transparency). I can't picture why 32 RGB options would be easier than 256, but I'll try it and see. ‎  Smile ‎ 

Actually it sounds like the opacity was interfering here, switch to GIMP and I can help you alot more ‎  Smile the main thing to remember about your brushes is the opacity amount, pressure amount and the mode its used for - in some parts of the video I used the 'overlay' mode for my brush which blends whatever colour you are using into an existing colour, primarily I stick to blacks and whites as overlay colours.

So far, I've been able to understand your GIMP directions and they seem to have similarly named equivalent in Paint Shop. Attached is a pic of the paint brush settings menu with the same-named opacity and overlay settings. With black/white set and low opacity, it seems to do well at lightening darkening colors without obliterating them- that's great for hilights and shadows-cool. I'll play around with some of the "blend modes" next time and see how it goes.

That final effect was achieved by using the curves feature in GIMP, I find it alot easier to work with rather than using levels to edit colours.

Nice, Paint Shop has the curve tool for colors and black/white point etc. In your video it seemed to take the whole image away from "pinkish" and more toward a natural skin tone. I'll give it a try when it comes up :)

Re: Metasequoia modeler tutorials and Keynote translated plugins - airflamesred - 2013-10-07

Ok, From what I understand, the 64bit ver of meta 4 won't read the current plugins. The 32bit will as long as the plugin doesn't conflict with the introduction of n-gons - I think. I don't like the n-gon, I find it lazy, and see no reason to introduce.
Anyone tried sculptris?

Re: Metasequoia modeler tutorials and Keynote translated plugins - HwitVlf - 2013-10-07

That is frustrating since a lot of people use 64bit systems these days. I expect the v3 plugins will fade away pretty quickly. ‎  From a rendering point of view, I can' t see any benefit from n-gons -more or less undefined triangles.

I haven't tried Sculptris. It looks like it's mainly for high-poly work, but does mention having tools to reduce polygon count if needed.

Re: Metasequoia modeler tutorials and Keynote translated plugins - Verdite - 2013-10-07

While I would definately encourage high poly modelling and sculpting for artists I would not recommend any form of multire - shifting or poly reducing for game assets, unless you are making scene games. Im not pointing that at anyone, just a general statement ‎  Smile

Ive been there and done that and wasted time being in that direction. Its not a personal preference, it just isnt in my work flow.

Re: Metasequoia modeler tutorials and Keynote translated plugins - airflamesred - 2013-10-07

Well, it is high res John, that's for sure. The retop I've seen, seems to involve modelling over the top of the hi res mesh - like the poly surface plugin ‎  we have. It's a direction I would like to go in as I do get fed up with poser figures. I want to see beer bellies!
I'll look at this once the drum/VST/VI project is up and working

Re: Metasequoia modeler tutorials and Keynote translated plugins - toshiootomo - 2013-10-10

Hello, guys!
I've got several errors with the new plugins which says they failed to install for some reason.
My version have plugin support, but it still fails for some reason.

I'm using the version 2.4.13

The plugin must be installed with japanese language active first?

Re: Metasequoia modeler tutorials and Keynote translated plugins - airflamesred - 2013-10-10

No, they should be good to go. Just check they're in the right folders. Which ones are causing the problems?

Re: Metasequoia modeler tutorials and Keynote translated plugins - toshiootomo - 2013-10-10

(2013-10-10, 01:48 PM)airflamesred link Wrote: No, they should be good to go. Just check they're in the right folders. Which ones are causing the problems?
The keynote plugin is not working, I try to install and it get a error message.

It's the translated keynote which was used for the tutorial.

Well, any tips about the right folders?
I seems that no matter if rename, it still works only the previous plugin which is outdated.

Re: Metasequoia modeler tutorials and Keynote translated plugins - airflamesred - 2013-10-10

Hmm. Keynote should be in the command folder. Beyond that, Idk. I had no issues with 2.4.