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Re: Hello - Verdite - 2010-03-09

well the eastern kingdoms are quite vague in terms of kf history, in my opinion... so i may have to set up my own story, which will be fun. the shiden will possibly make an appearance if at all, possibly as a different katana model.

i havent been well recently so i havent had a chance to work on anything, but the ideas have really built up.

also :) i am limited to... about three or four models of npc in SoM, as i havent got anything else to work with just yet.

Ninja Ninja Ninja

lets get some ninja and some shuriken to liven the place up :)

Item to equipment? Help! - Verdite - 2010-03-10

Hi again.

I need more help. I tried following the tutorial on making custom armour. I used the hex editor as stated and done everything correctly, then when i went into item edit and saved the file, i couldnt use the item as equipment.


Re: Hello - Madison Lastrega - 2010-03-11

Ok you missed one MAJOR part though, you have to use a hex editor on an EXISTING ARMOR PIECE PRF file to make it equipable:) Use this editor XVI32 (found on google search or on forum link) good for most things and free:) re-read his custom armore tut, follow the last part about hex, to the teeth I have all kiunds of NEW armore and NEW wepons too:) so I know it works............ Ya see my friend, I now believe that SOM was way too rushed and then after the release of PS2 in 2000, From software had bigger fish to fry, and gave up supporting it to any decent degree........ Ya see even the tools they gave us to use are BROKEN, meaning they only half work and Don't even do what there are really supposed to.IE ‎  your armor, in therory you should be able to use the item editor to make ‎  your profile file (PRF), but the editor can't make the profile usable without hex editing, I am sure that if SoM was a huge success they would have incorperated an 'ARMOR' and WEAPON' button so the editor knew you were trying make usable parts........ or a 'MAKE USABLE 'option....... another classic example of non completness...... the OBJECT EDITOR tool was built to make objects, byut they never completed the tool... IE not having animation controlls , joint features, for skeletons .ect..Hell The object tool can't even read object MDL files at all.....Making it incomplete.... and last "broken tool " example...... the NPC and ENEMY editor were built to reskin the MDL files, however, if you have ever just used it to "SWAP" textures you find it is broken and the only REAL way to reskin anything is to use the TIM METHOD, (found on this forum) by witch you have to EMBED the new texture direcly on to the MDL.....So as you can see FROM gave us broken incomplete tools to work with.......But stick with us, folks like Holy Diver and Myself are working hard to break some new ground on these issues, so be patient...........As far as your item woes , if you can't get it working , post it and Me or someone here can get you Swinging (No Pun intended)........................... ML

Re: Hello - Holy_Diver - 2010-03-11

It would save me a little bit of time if you all could somehow pool your collective understanding of these files into a single document or topic/thread somehow. I'd really like to be able to focus on programming instead of running too many experiments of my own. Though that's always part of the job. Thing is I just don't have any actual hands on experience working with the files (it's just not something I've ever had a reason or need to do)

Nothing tutorial like, just really something like, for such and such files, the 16 bits at byte offset x is always such and such, and can be assigned the following values. In a table form preferably (versus descriptive)

Re: Hello - Verdite - 2010-03-14

I mentioned this to Joe a while ago, but its getting time to do it and having others help you with it thats the challenge ‎  Dazed i honestly want to make some step by step tutorials (like Todds) for blank areas that people query. I think if we could consolidate all of our info into one thread, we could encourage new (editors?) ‎  Smug to develop and progress in their own model making, because lets be honest, its grand having your own creations in a game.

I quiz thee - Verdite - 2010-03-22

Hello amigos

i need to quiz you again on custom weapons. I'd like to know what prf responds to what weapon etc, and if there is more than simple hex editing to get a custom weapon in game.


Re: Hello - dmpdesign - 2010-03-23

The best way to make a custom weapon is to choose a similar style weapon to what you want to make as your base .prf file.

In other words, if you want a quick stabbing weapon...use either the dagger (if its short) or the rapier if its longer. ‎  If you want a slashing weapon, any of the regular swords will do.

You will want to create your weapon model first...then name the model something that is similar to the naming conventions of the current weapons. ‎  For instance, rather than naming it swordtest12345.mdo name it like i_800.mdo...that way when you go to use the hex editor you can simply replace the item model that the .prf references without worrying about breaking the file. ‎  If you are good with hex editing you could obviously name it anything you want.

now...the kicker. ‎  Weapons (and hand armor for that matter) require a second .mdo file that needs to be at a sideways orientation. ‎  This second model is used as the in game 'animation' so its orientation is important. ‎  Without just creating one and testing it over and over there is no way to know exactly what position it needs to go into...so when you get to that point let me know and I will send you some model files in .mqo format that you can use as a guide.

Re: Hello - Verdite - 2010-03-24

My model is ready to use could you please put me onto step two please ‎  Rainbow

Re: Hello - dmpdesign - 2010-03-24

Sure thing, look me up on messenger if you can and I will walk you through the process.

Re: Hello - Verdite - 2010-03-25

Could you send them to me if possible? Thanks Todd ‎  Biggrin