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Diadem of Maunstraut - HwitVlf - 2009-04-14

I think the problem is that you're trying to open DoM (whose configuration files were produced with the translated version of SoM) with the non-patched Japanese SoM.

When you open a project in SoM most of the resources are loaded from the SoM install directory not the project/game's folders and the Japanese-named resources don't match DoM's translated configuration files. The 'output' parts in the game's folders don't have the needed PRF files so basically it's what Todd was saying. I'm surprised the Japanese SoM will load an English project at all since the configuration files store the parts by name.

Thr PROJECT.DAT file actually has nothing to do with the *.SOM file or the GAME.EXE. The reason why you can rename the DAT to SOM and load it is because .SOM files pretty much just contain the project's name. You can actually make a text document, type a couple letters on it and change its name to x.SOM and it will load the project in SoM editor.

I think the DAT files are part of SoM's copy protection; the CD check normally happens when a runtime is output. It's possible to make a game with SoM's editor and then compile it manually without even using the Create Runtime fiunction- EXCEPT for making the DAT file. The DAT file only has a few bytes of data (maybe a checksum value verification of some sort), but a game will not run without a proper DAT file generated by the Create Runtime function.

Diadem of Maunstraut - dmpdesign - 2009-04-14

LOL yes, what he said.

Thank you for clarifying and correctifying my craptastic post=)

I am glad there are much smarter people out there willing to help hehe.

Diadem of Maunstraut - Hguols - 2009-04-14

<confused>Um, yeah! Wait, ok I got the part where you do stuff with the program and... something happens....</confused>

....I found this rock outside, it's got like stuff on it and its kind of heavy.

Don't feel bad about the time frames for getting games done Todd. ^_^ I'm a whiz at minesweeper I can play for days; once you see my sweet moves you're gonna' stay amazed!

Seriously. Mouse = bad. I key QUITE a bit of stuff. It many times faster. I make games that way. Games good.

Diadem of Maunstraut - Holy_Diver - 2009-04-14

I will go over this thoroughly when I have the time, because I want to understand all of this... but to be clear, what I'm getting immediately is, SoM likes to keep a centralized directory of all resources you might want to use in your game, then it draws from that to make your outputed runtime filetree (as opposed to you starting a new project filetree and copying what you want into it)

Does that about sum it up? Or that much at least...

Diadem of Maunstraut - Holy_Diver - 2009-04-14

Btw, I can't be certain... but possibly why I'm stranded in the first place is the magic circle pads, as suggested, are invisible from the bottom, and all of them are raised up now.

A simple fix for this would be to reset their positions whenever that floor is entered. Or better yet, have them appear when you approach them, the way the sliding pads on that floor do. In general it would be cooler if those circles always only appeared when you got close (and even cooler -- only appear with some special item equipped)

Diadem of Maunstraut - HwitVlf - 2009-04-14

Quote: SoM likes to keep a centralized directory of all resources you might want to use in your game, then it draws from that to make your outputed runtime filetree (as opposed to you starting a new project filetree and copying what you want into it)
Does that about sum it up? Or that much at least...

Yes :)
If you play a game using the 'Test Map' or 'Preview Project' buttons, the game is run with SOM_DB.exe which looks for resources (Object, NPC models etc) in SoM's main file tree (located via a registry entry). If you play a game the standard way by launching GAME.EXE, it looks for resources in the 'output' game's file tree (located relative to GAME.EXE's position).

Quote: <confused>Um, yeah! Wait, ok I got the part where you do stuff with the program and... something happens....</confused>

No, no no!! I keep trying to tell you that something only happens when you DON'T do stuff with the program. Well... unless you're in the Southern Hemisphere, but then you have to type upside down or read backwards and really, that's just more trouble than it's worth.

Diadem of Maunstraut - dmpdesign - 2009-04-14

"(and even cooler -- only appear with some special item equipped)"

My current biggest gripe with SoM is they did not build in a counter or switch to toggle by having certain things equipped. It is quite stupid really, considering they made a new version of original King's Field using SOM and included with the software that didn't do things the original game DID.

For instance, in KF 1 (japan) you could obtain boots that allowed you to walk over some pits or chasms. I havent played through the SOM version of KF1 yet, but I know there is nothing in the tool to allow for this sort of ability.

Please, someone correct me if I am wrong..I would love to be wrong here.

Diadem of Maunstraut - Holy_Diver - 2009-04-14

^DoM does some fancy stuff that couldn't be done without checking your inventory as far as I can tell. Plus I wouldn't think those boots would have escaped the remake Twisted


Good News: My DoM game seems to be back on track. I just needed to copy all of DoM's data files into my SoM data repository to do the trick.

My magic circles were all suspended, and ironically there is even a switch if you turn back left after hitting the mid-chasm button which makes the raised circles permanently reachable. The definite way to handle this event I think would be to reset the circles whenever possible if that final switch is not in place!!


Offtopic: I have been playing KF1 again some to fill in my KF void. I had to reconfigure my joypad to continue playing DoM, and I remembered an odd setup I think I've used before for the old games (possibly for playing Armored Core) ...the basic gist is you map lookup/down to the X and Triangle button (dualshock controller) which I think is very intuitive. Then map the handed type buttons to the left/right buttons respectively. I ended up using the left trigger to use/run because it made it easier to look up/down while running. And magic to Square because it is close to the new looking buttons for easy vertical aiming. I always try to find vastly superior control schemes to the defaults, and anyway... I recommend everyone try it. In the meantime, I have to train my own brain a bit / break old habits.

Diadem of Maunstraut - dmpdesign - 2009-04-14

Tom, did you find a way to make DoM react to equipped items?

I can understand if its items in ones inventory, but I couldnt see one thing to make the game do things based on whats on your character at the time.

Diadem of Maunstraut - HwitVlf - 2009-04-14

My current biggest gripe with SoM is they did not build in a counter or switch to toggle by having certain things equipped. Please, someone correct me if I am wrong..I would love to be wrong here.

It can be done in a limited way by using the Strength/Magic stat. It's easier to do in games like Trismegistus where those stats aren't already in use for regular game combat.

To walk across bottomless pits for instance, you would have a pair of boots that when equipped increase the player's MAG stat to a value that couldn't be reached any other way. Then use events to 'plug' the pits when the MAGIC stat is at that unique value. This technique is only usable in some limited scenarios, but it's better than nothing. I'll send you an update of the Event Demo that shows what I'm talking about. Ignore the 'water passage' behind the start point; that event demo isn't complete yet.