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The Field of Kings JOURNAL - Printable Version

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Re: The Field of Kings JOURNAL - dmpdesign - 2012-05-28

I need to find my modded PSP - that is the only way to play this when youre finished right?

Re: The Field of Kings JOURNAL - Hguols - 2012-05-28

No modded PSP required! ‎  Whether its custom firmware or official firmware, it will play on both PSPs.
The game is played through the internet browser, not the > game > menu....
...this is why it works either way!

Re: The Field of Kings JOURNAL - Hguols - 2012-06-01

Well, I'm taking a tiny step back from game development to try to address a port situation. ‎  I tried to show the game to a friend, and it no longer worked on my phone.

I guess whatever update Opera did to their mobile web browser, its no longer compatible with the hotspots. ‎  I figured this was bound to happen sooner or later.

....so, I'm looking into making apps. ‎  That way, mobile browser updates in the future won't make or break me.

I'm really REALLY R-E-A-L-L-Y trying to understand phonegap.com. ‎  I'm struggling and just running in circles there.

Appsgeyser.com is a very nice idea. ‎  It almost works. ‎  Almost. ‎  Music is out, and for some reason, after about 4 hotspots linked, it gets confused or something and you can't move any more.

If anyone has any input or ideas... ‎  I'd love to hear it.

Re: The Field of Kings JOURNAL - Guyra - 2012-06-02

Aw man, I just hate it when software updates fuck up stuff like that. :/ I hope you'll find a solution soon!

Re: The Field of Kings JOURNAL - HwitVlf - 2012-06-02

Kind of have to know what coding format Adventure Maker uses to run it's games. Since they're for browsers, I'd guess Java or HTML? Is it possible that the Opera update just changed some Java settings? You might ask on the Opera forums and find an easy fix.

The adventure maker site says the full version can make free-standing executables but it's not clear on whether that means for the mobile version or the Windows version- my guess is it's only for windows environments but if it is for phones, it might be what you're looking for.

Re: The Field of Kings JOURNAL - Hguols - 2012-06-03

Thanks for the input John! That's a great idea! I'll look into this. I actually did a little experiment last night and got the PSP version of the game to work in the Opera mobile browser, and it is just .a files.

Something is getting lost in the iPhone export of the Adventure Maker game. You're right John, the games are made with HTML and Java. I do have the full version of the program. The free version of the game has a 150 image limit. That wouldn't work because I have almost 2,000 images and a section to go. .exe is for the non-moble games made. My cell phone's file tree is so alien. All the extentions are different than from working on a PC. Not an executable or DLL in sight.

I'll stop by an Opera forum to see if it is just a matter of settings...
( ^ - ^) â™ ‎ª

Re: The Field of Kings JOURNAL - Hguols - 2012-06-03

Well, I've got some great news! ‎  Right as I almost hit submit on this lengthy post on the MyOpera forum, I figured out that the problem with the android version of the game wasn't the Opera browser at all. ‎  For some strange reason, the game played perfectly fine online.... ‎  I just tested it.

...the culprit appears to be the file explorer I'm using, and playing the game from my SD card. ‎  It worked before, I wonder why not now?

I do remember an update from my file explorer. ‎  Time to "explore" different options. ‎  ...but not too much!

I've got a game to finish building!

Re: The Field of Kings JOURNAL - Hguols - 2012-06-06

I figured out exactly why this game stopped working (while at my 2nd job of all places). It had to do with my error, not Opera, not my File Explorer, not my phone.

Included with the iPhone export of the game, there are 4 images. At some point in time, I deleted them from my gallery, not thinking anything of it. Deleting them from my gallery also deleted them off my phone. The game would not work without those files. Whenever I put them back in my thefieldofkings directory, the game worked perfectly fine on my phone, through Opera and my File Explorer program.

The images for the Blood Palace are DONE and I've coded all the deaths and wins for that area.

After that, enemy hit boxes, then hotspots to move around the area.

I'm not sure if I'll have this done this week, but after this area, just one area to go. The really good news is that the last area is pretty small, but I do have to make end-game images/scenes.

Re: The Field of Kings JOURNAL - Guyra - 2012-06-06

I'm glad you found the problem, and that it wasn't harder to fix! :D

Re: The Field of Kings JOURNAL - Hguols - 2012-06-09

Me too! ‎  Thanks Guyra!

Well I got some bad news and good news. ‎  The good far outweighs the bad, at least as far as this game. ‎ 

First, the bad. ‎  I woke up 2am calling dinosaurs until about 4am. ‎  (calling dinosaurs meaning throwing up) ‎  I blame the sausage burger I got from the local "Prairie Days" event as my wife ate the same things as me except that. ‎  I called off work today. ‎  That's bad because my next check will be one day short.

The good, while I'm "recovering" at home, I plopped myself in front of my computer and got a lot of work done. ‎  In between nursing food and bathroom breaks, it was building The Field of Kings all day. ‎  My wife was at work so, might as well!

~ I completed The Blood Palace, tested it. ‎  Its good to go. ‎ 
~ I re-sized some of the hotspots that I did very early in the game to match the more symmetrical ones I did later. ‎  I'm having to quench some form of OCD that's welling up in me to make all hotspots all over the game the same sizes each frame. ‎  That's just not realistic, so I'm letting that one go.
~ I've started the last area left to complete, The King's Castle and am 45 images into it. ‎  I'm still guessing it will be approximately 100 images. ‎  It really isn't a very big area.

I think if I play my cards right, I could have the game done by this time next week.

As always, I'll keep everyone here posted!