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Kf 4 - Printable Version

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Kf 4 - AsusX2 - 2009-10-20

I'm corrently Trying to get models from Kf 4. Hopefully I will have them soon. I really want to use the icon of fire and Widda egg.

Re: Kf 4 - dmpdesign - 2009-10-20

If you can't get them, they shouldn't be terribly difficult to remodel.

Let me know what you find.

Re: Kf 4 - AsusX2 - 2009-10-20

What Prg. would you sugest i use to model those?

Re: Kf 4 - dmpdesign - 2009-10-20

It really depends on what you have access to.

One of the people who posts here has used Maya...I on the other hand used a freebie program called metaseqouia.

Check the tutorial section for custom models on the main site for download links and some starting instructions on creating the models.

Re: Kf 4 - AsusX2 - 2009-10-20

Great, cause i have maya!

Re: Kf 4 - dmpdesign - 2009-10-31

Have any luck getting those models?

If not, can you take a screenshot of the egg up close and the icon of ice/fire so i can get a good look at the textures etc and I will try my hand at recreating them for you.

Re: Kf 4 - dmpdesign - 2009-10-31

For whatever reason I tried to make a quick widda egg from looking at a picture on kings-field.neocities.org

Maybe it will work for you:

Re: Kf 4 - AsusX2 - 2009-10-31

Sorry I took so long to reply, i've spent half a week working the enemy tables out. (See my post in new games) models are going good, "might" need some help with file conv. and animating but I like to try to figure it out myself before I ask for help, I'ts so much more satisfying that way. Smile
Anyway i've definatly got meta down pat. I spent about a week just modeling different things, planes, houses, boats,Ect,Ect, and a cuople items I really want to use in my game. I made a usable item, a book using the pic of the SoM user manual as the cover. Hahahahahaha thanks for the great idea! I used that to practice attaching a skin to a model. It came out really good. I will definatly check out that egg! OH. almost forgot, I'm almost done with a Moon Key. I would like to see if i can get it to work with the moongate. I'll keep in touch. Thanks