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Major magic table bug...with hex fix - Printable Version

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Major magic table bug...with hex fix - dmpdesign - 2009-12-09

OK, so I am play testing dark destiny yet again...and I notice one of my defensive duration spells isnt working at all.

I check the magic parameters and everything is 0s...though I know for sure I registered them with numbers.

So I try again, and again...and again....shit. ‎  its not working, every time I try to create a defensive spell with a duration it gets reset.

So I look into it a bit...open the magic.prm file and start to piece together what is going on.

For anyone that is planning to create a magical spell that has a duration (whether its curing you, protecting you from poison etc...) you will have to follow the below fix unless John is able to fix this SOM bug via a patch.


Here is the layout of the magic.PRM file:

- There is a single character at the beginning of the magic record that indicates the spell graphic...this is highlighted by a light blue box
- This is followed by a single space then 30 characters reserved for the spell name, this is highlighted by the red box.
- The next character is blank followed by two characters that make up the MP cost.
- Another blank character follows then 1 character to set the recovery speed. ‎  I dont know how SOM defines this number, so just set it in the editor, this parameter is highlighted in yellow.
- Another space follows then a 2-character slot for the HP recovered parameter. ‎  This is highlighted in pink.
-The next 5 spaces are trigger slots for the status recovery. ‎  These will either be 00 for off or 01 for on. ‎  This is highlighted in purple.

OK...all of the above is properly configurable via the editor. ‎  This next section is the part you have to pay attention to to make the spell work.

-after the purple comes 3 blank spaces, modifying these doesnt seem to do anything to the spell. ‎  leave these all as 00
- after the three blank spaces comes the parameter slots for the defensive stats between 00-255. ‎  In the picture I have them set to 255 the max stat. ‎  These are highlighted in orange.
- additionally you must also set the duration via the hex editor. ‎  after the defensive stat comes two more blank spaces...leave these as 00. ‎  The next two spots highlighted in black are the parameter settings for the duration. ‎  The numbers correspond to the 10s and the 2 decimal places. ‎  An easy way to get a valid number for this is to set up a dummy offensive magic and monitor the range number you input. ‎  copy the hex value for that range and it will directly correspond to the duration.
- the rest of the space corresponds to the spell description, and this can be edited via SOM's editor.


Hope this helps, and hope maybe john can find a way to get SOM to do this conversion properly via the editor someday.

Re: Major magic table bug...with hex fix - dmpdesign - 2009-12-09

OK this problem is actually still a bit broken ‎  Doh

It turns out the duration of the spell is broken a bit.

The duration setting in the editor only corresponds to the graphic of the spell effect.

The actual duration of the spell seems to always last 6 seconds. ‎  I dont quite understand this, but that is the case from my experimentation.

Still..the above fixing may help you create a useful spell.

Re: Major magic table bug...with hex fix - Madison Lastrega - 2009-12-10

Hello All, I have a "Sound" question. Is there anyway to to loop sound effects for events? For example I have noticed that a leaf can only allow for one sound effect to played in its sequence, even if you add more than one you get a split second of the first file thats it, and even if you space the sequence you can only get ONE sound effect, sad....... so what I want is to have the event play for example the bell sound 4 or 6 times then stop. Can that be done. ‎  My lighthouse underground cut off switch has 9 commands in it's first leaf but no matter how I set it up I only get one bell chime. and can you limit or stop sounds on an always on event? I have several custom made doors that continue to move long after the crappy sad old 2 bit sounds som gives you DIE. can you change those stupid files to something better? ya know like something from the 21st century perhaps? My game is rolling away and now it looks sooooooooo good with sound effects suitable for the NES ‎  Wink... any guidance in this would be super duper, and thanks in advance:)

Re: Major magic table bug...with hex fix - Madison Lastrega - 2009-12-11

Sweet Thanks I was wondering how to use Otherwise and the IF commands, I learn new goodies everyday it seems:)

Re: Major magic table bug...with hex fix - Madison Lastrega - 2009-12-11

Help Me John:) I am so lost the sound fix you sent me , I have not the sence to make it work:( Ok in leaf 2
IF CounterA= 4 (checks how many times the bell has rung)
Go to next Leaf (stops the ringging loop after 4 times)
Set Timer1's value in CounterB
IF ‎  CounterB= 3 (Checks if three seconds have passed before playing ring sound again)
‎  Go back one Leaf (Starts the loop over again)

on the first IF command CounterA, What is CounterA? I have made a counterA and a testA under the counter list but is counterA supposed to be the name of the event attached to the sound? ‎  Example I have a rock for my test. I set an event on the rock called "Sound Test". ‎  look at my pics here and please tell me where I am wrong:) thanks John , I know I am overlooking something or not understanding something:) thanks and if you could , could you be so kind as to go into a little deatail about exactly what IF and otherwise DO exactly, so mabey I can understand how to correctly use them :)