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8001050F - Printable Version

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8001050F - Holy_Diver - 2010-03-01


There goes my plans to rekindle my KF2 flame (well for now anyway)

I'd just pulled out the headphones and strung out this programmable PS2 controller I'd setup last night just for the purpose Crying

I don't understand where Sony gets off telling me I can't play my game once it's on the harddrive etc. First time I've ever run into DRM logic I reckon Mad

I guess now I all I got to do is think about the more than 400$ I just dropped on a Windows7 Ultimate upgrade, a DVD drive to install it with, and a 1TB networked harddrive... did someone want to buy some of my games Redface

8001050F - Holy_Diver - 2010-03-01


There goes my plans to rekindle my KF2 flame (well for now anyway)

I'd just pulled out the headphones and strung out this programmable PS2 controller I'd setup last night just for the purpose Crying

I don't understand where Sony gets off telling me I can't play my game once it's on the harddrive etc. First time I've ever run into DRM logic I reckon Mad

I guess now I all I got to do is think about the more than 400$ I just dropped on a Windows7 Ultimate upgrade, a DVD drive to install it with, and a 1TB networked harddrive... did someone want to buy some of my games Redface

EDITED: Apparently this (https://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/genmessage.php?board=927750&topic=53700123&page=49) sprung up in one day Evil

And yes, I apparently have no other gaming related social outlet Ninja

Re: 8001050F - Holy_Diver - 2010-03-01

Apparently this thread/topic got double created (https://www.swordofmoonlight.com/bbs/index.php/topic,314.0.html)

Speaking of controls... I wonder if anyone has any unusual control prefs when it comes to KF. Funny thing with PC games... you can't really get the satisfaction of devising a killer control scheme for your game.

I've found myself playing with this (https://www.amazon.com/Gamester-USA-Master-Controller-Playstation-2/dp/B0001CNMB6/ref=cm_cr_pr_pb_t) beasty. It's been pretty interesting. It's the best I can do. I don't understand why but you really gotta jam the buttons good. It's kinda odd, but they're all that way, like the people who made it thought over-sensitive buttons were a detriment (probably did actually) ...the rest seems responsive enough.

Re: 8001050F - dmpdesign - 2010-03-01

Wow that sucks.

I wonder how 'old' they mean by 'older PS3s'.

Mine is not a slim but its definitely one of the newer large style PS3s. ‎  Guess I will find out when I get home.

Re: 8001050F - AsusX2 - 2010-03-01

I run all my Kf games via Emu and have no trouble at all including Tac. and now thanks to dmp (Dammit, LOL)I have been forced to replay the english ver. of Kf original and my new AvP is not getting the time it deserves, Just kinndin, Dmp.
P.s I was the one interested in S.t. 2, Mabe ‎  Dazed

Re: 8001050F - Holy_Diver - 2010-03-02

So PS2 emulation is up to KF4? That's interesting. I just don't enjoy playing most games via emu, especially PSOne generation and later. The emulation is also never totally accurate, though I've been advised to give this (https://psxemulator.gazaxian.com/) a shot. I think it has something to do with the psychology of a monitor versus a TV, but to be honest I'm really not sure what the distinction is... other than perhaps when you spend all day working in front of a monitor you develop a lot of negative psychological associations, or maybe monitor is for work, tv is for play, I dunno... I do emulate a lot of stuff, and played DD primarily on a monitor, but it never feels like a completely carefree satisfaction in that kind of setting.

For the older 16bit games and Gameboy/DS games I'm more accustomed to playing on an emulator, and enjoy it more I think. I have no clue why. It has something to do with 2D vs 3D games I think. Faux 3D games (like say Phantasy Star) I don't like playing on a monitor. I think with a TV I get a more immersive effect, where as with a monitor I'm usually hunched over if I want to feel like I'm staring directly into it.

My hour is up, thanks for listing.

PS: As for emulating KF2. I wish someone would back me up on this. I'm pretty sure that game had no concept of the internal clock / just relied upon the performance of the PSOne to be its clock... I don't know how many PSOne games were this way if so, but it runs way tooo fast on a PS3, sometimes the animations happen in like a snap, and appear clearly not as they were intended. Unfortunately there is no setting to slow down the PS3. For a game criticized as being slow in it's day, it's probably the most break neck game I've ever played. Wolfenstein3D released in the US store (a port of PC version I believe) does not have this problem.

Re: 8001050F - AsusX2 - 2010-03-08

EpsxE has an external throttle so if the game runs way to fast you can easily clock it down (by pressing 9). as far as kf4 as long as i rip the original disk using nero for the iso it plays flawlessly. I run all my emulators threw an old Hdtv (crt) component. it's a 35" tv so its quite big enough for gameplay. as far as emulators go, you have to find the best line of plugins with there proper configurations for your system. Yes the config's matter to the game but it is very importent that the config's match your hardware. Soooo. as i say Kf 4 works fine as well as Armored core Another Age, Warship Gunner, any FF ps2 game and so on. My biggest reason for using Emu's is to keep my old consols and games ‎  safe and packed away. and since i actually own all the games and consols i use it is legal (Safe) to rip (only once) the games and bios.

OH! btw, I have finally sucessfully managed to get Wii games to play on my pc. now i can put my Wii away for storage. YAY
the only thing that sucks is i have to keep the nunchuck out or buy another one as metroid prime 3 requires it.

Re: 8001050F - Holy_Diver - 2010-03-08

I kept up with Pcsx2 development for a while and even developed some capture plugins for a while (never really got anywhere) ....so it's good to hear emulation finally got there (Pcsx2 or not) ...still my impression was in order to play games other than simple 2D stuff you'd need a fairly power house computer and the PS2 has a lot of exotic feeback hardware which if a game used would bring any PC graphics hardware to a crawl. The specs for PCIe could definitely have accommodated the two way requirements but for years no graphics hardware really took advantage of PCIe as a bidirectional architecture and nothing appeared to be on the horizon. That doesn't seem like it was that long ago however I would not be surprised if the landscape has been radically altered in the meantime.

Re: 8001050F - AsusX2 - 2010-03-08

Well... Technically your right you do need a powerhouse to run it as a ps2 uses the emotion drive. the ps2 also has 5 count em 5 separate prossers the the emotion drive accesses simultainously, which is why it takes so much power to run it at a reasonable frame rate. the right plugins and settings can help, but power is definatly needed. most of my 3D's run at a framerate of about 35 to 70 Fps which is good enough for me anyway. Kf tac or armored core can get a little sluggish if there are alot of moving mecha or enemies. but it takes quite a few to cause this and even with this the game is still playable, just a little jittery. all the ace combats work perfect no matter whats on screen even if your buzzing the ground! although it does seem that earlyer ps2 games have more trouble with this. my ps2 model is the 30004r (the slim one) series and its bios seems to be far more compatible with more games.