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Reagents For Spells - Printable Version

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Reagents For Spells - Havok - 2010-04-17

Hello all Im quite new at this and was messing around, I have a question I want my game to need certain reagents for casting the spells and I want to know if its possible to make it to where you use the item by 1 (or more) and that you cant cast the spell without them. If this is even possible could someone please explain a bit on how I would go and do this?

Re: Reagents For Spells - Holy_Diver - 2010-04-20

Pretty much Som works like KING'S FIELD (the original game) so yes you can use an item in order to learn a spell, but from then on you can use the spell as long as you have enough MP (magic points) to do so.

Som is not very flexible but we are working on ways to extend Som's range and one day this sort of scenario (even though I don't understand it 100%) will be possible. Give it a year or two tops.

What you're requesting/asking about sounds similar to needing to have arrows in order to fire a bow/arrow weapon setup. Which is a big want, so you shouldn't worry about extensions for this sort of thing being neglected. In fact as soon as a simple bow/arrow extension is available it's safe to say you'd have all you need to make what you want to do work.