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Chapter 1: Death to the Hermit! - Printable Version

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Chapter 1: Death to the Hermit! - johnnypark66 - 2011-04-02

The Game is divided into "Chapters". To get people acquainted with the world of Wicklow, I'll be discussing the first chapter: Main characters, setting and story.

Main Characters:

Devyn Glyn - Lord of Wicklow
Cyric Rhys - Duke of Trevera and Lord of Castle Roscath
Tristen Price - Advisor to Cyric Rhys
The Hermit - Name unknown at this point
Dakr Gremmil - Elf of Treveran Lore, rumored to still be alive


The game is set in a new colony of Igleck called Trevera. Trevera is built among the ruins of a group of elves that mysteriously disappeared. Only one functioning structure remains from the elves: An ancient temple that houses a huge crystal that still powers to this day a magical barrier that shelters the settlements of the south from the wilderness of north. Soldiers from the Treveran capitol of Roscath have started a fraternal order called the "Temple Gatekeepers". This order was formed after the group of soldiers learned how to turn the magical barrier on and off. Around that time, an expedition to the north was carried out which prompted one of the soldiers to create a journal after being the sole survivor to return. The book is call "The Other Four", it chronicles four different terrifying monsters that rule over four territories: Lake Cullen, Burkeen Forest, Barrow's Beach and The Cliffside. Since the return of that soldier, the expeditions stopped and the "Temple Gatekeepers" kept the barrier active at all times save a direct command from Cyric Rhys to temporarily open it to banish criminals.

Wicklow is the newest and most northern settlement of Trevera. Other older settlements (such as Roscath, Waterford, Blainroe, Rathnew and Dundur) are grouped to the south. The Capitol Roscath was built on the twin rivers while Waterford and Blainroe are each built to the south of Roscath each on one of the twin rivers. Dunbur is a village in the mountains to the west while Rathnew is a village on the cliffs to the east. North of Roscath is a small camp called the "Northern Outpost" which is a trading station built on the main river before it divides in two. North of the northern outpost is the Ancient Temple with it's barrier. Wicklow is just east of the northern outpost. The "Treveran Miner's Guild" is just south of Wicklow.

Wicklow (the game's starting point) was founded when rich mineral deposits were found in that area. There have been two previous Lords: Brasil Glyn and Anwyl Glyn. Both had very long and successful reigns. Devyn's father died when he was ten so he was groomed as a prince until his grandfather Anwyl died of old age. Devyn was then thrust into the role of Lord and protector of Wicklow at the young age of 27 as the fourth generation of his family to reign. Although Wicklow is the youngest village it's mineral deposit exports rank it number one among the Miner's Guild. Devyn Glyn serves as a member of the Miner's Guild along with the other Lords of each village. The Guildmaster is a personal friend of the "Glyn" family.

Story: ‎ 

Tragedy has befallen Trevera! A mysterious disease has krept up from the south as far as Castle Roscath. This is no ordinary disease and it threats to wipe out Trevera. "Is this what happened to the elves?" howled Tristen Price. The king's adviser is certain that the former adviser who was charged with the death of Cyric's son and banished to the wilderness is responsible for this treachery as part of his revenge. "Death to the Hermit" he shouted. Only one settlement is not yet affected by this plague and it is the young village "Wicklow". upon receiving a letter from the Duke by way of a raven messenger, Devyn learns of the situation to the south and accepts Cyric's plea for help in hunting down and killing the hermit. After finishing the letter, Devyn echoed the cry of the Duke's adviser as he ran to the center of the village yelling "Death to the Hermit!" The stunned villagers listened to their leader with a terrifying stare. Some said "Will we be like the elves? Stricken from this land in the blink of an eye?" "Not so!" retorted Devyn, "I am going to personally hunt down and kill the hermit to end all of this, the God's have not forsaken us." ...


Re: Chapter 1: Death to the Hermit! - dmpdesign - 2011-04-02

Very cool stuff, you have a great talent for story making :)

Re: Chapter 1: Death to the Hermit! - johnnypark66 - 2011-04-17

The Demo for Chapter 1 is nearing completion with the northern outpost being almost done and only 2 maps to go. Hoping to have it out near the end of the month. Many improvements over the original demo in terms of textures and exploration. Don't want to spoil it with screen shots yet.