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Gamepad downloads - Printable Version

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Gamepad downloads - Odinruss - 2017-02-06

I had a question? Is there any controllers that can not be used in these games we download from this amazing man that made these games? And is there an keyboard mapping to know where the buttons do for each game? I got the games but the keyboard layout is a bit confusing to figure out for the games I am playing.. By the way Love the king's Field remastered games amazing work and time you put into them..

Re: Gamepad downloads - JC Bailey - 2017-02-06

Sword of Moonlight should support just about any gamepad, just make sure it's plugged in BEFORE you launch a game. And I have a full list of keyboard controls here, it's the same for every SOM game:

[In Game Keyboard Controls] (Gamepads are recommended)

Num 7 - Look Down | Num 8 - Center View | Num 9 - Look Up
Num 4 - Strafe Left | Num 5 - Walk Forward | Num 6 - Strafe Right
Num 1 - Turn Left | Num 2 - Walk Backwards | Num 3 - Turn Right

Spacebar - Use / Activate / Examine / Dash (under proper conditions)
Tab - Open Menu / Show Equipment or spell details (while in menu)


[In Menu Keyboard Controls]

Arrow keys Pick Selections
Spacebar or Enter - Accept
Esc - Cancel / Close Menu

Universal System Controls
Alt+F4 - Terminate Program immediately.
Crtl+Esc - Exit to Desktop (minimizes the game)


[Alternate Movement Keys]

Up Arrow - Walk Forward
Left Arrow - Turn Left
Right Arrow - Turn Right
Down Arrow - Walk Backwards
Alt+Left Arrow - Strafe Left
Alt+Right Arrow - Strafe Right