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    Thread: Brigandine GE : Hex Editor
Post: RE: Brigandine GE : Hex Editor

Class Equipment: To find the class equips table search JinnĀ  2 0 64 8 (repeat this five times) to find the table. 00 Ring - Bow 00 Staff - Armor 00 Robe - Roc 00 Hell Hound - Jinn Item 1 Ring ...
Rune Brigandine: Grand Edition 20 37,544 2024-11-26, 06:30 PM
    Thread: Brigandine GE : Hex Editor
Post: RE: Brigandine GE : Hex Editor

Has anyone had any success finding the process that adds two skills to the Lizard King? All secondary skills for monsters are ignored by the game and it would be nice if there was a way to add more sk...
Rune Brigandine: Grand Edition 20 37,544 2024-10-03, 05:13 PM
    Thread: Vault of ideas(Mods/hacks for Brigandine) Updated 11/26/2015
Post: RE: Vault of ideas(Mods/hacks for Brigandine) Upd...

Does anyone have any idea how you would be able to add new animations to monsters so they could use spells/abilities that were not originally programmed into the game? Such as giving the HolyGriff the...
Rune Brigandine: Grand Edition 39 26,722 2024-09-29, 09:03 PM
    Thread: Brigandine GE : Hex Editor
Post: Re: Brigandine GE : Hex Editor

Nthanhdat link Wrote: (2019-09-08, 12:34 PM) -- [quote author=Rune link=topic=908.msg14051#msg14051 date=1567632634] You would have to input the exp needed for 10 more levels, bit forgetting that the...
Rune Brigandine: Grand Edition 20 37,544 2020-07-05, 03:52 AM
    Thread: Brigandine GE : Hex Editor
Post: Re: Brigandine GE : Hex Editor

Nthanhdat link Wrote: (2019-09-02, 06:02 AM) -- address hex increase max lv30 to lv40? address hex require exp to level up? address hex max STR INT AGI 200 to 255? address hex change color class? At...
Rune Brigandine: Grand Edition 20 37,544 2019-09-04, 10:30 PM
    Thread: Anyone have any suggestions on fixing monster skills in GE?
Post: Re: Anyone have any suggestions on fixing monster ...

Any success? I haven't done any changes lately to the game but I am curious...
Rune Brigandine: Grand Edition 3 3,390 2019-08-14, 01:49 PM
    Thread: Brigandine Grand Edition... Translation!
Post: Re: Brigandine Grand Edition... create an account then...
Rune Brigandine: Grand Edition 317 414,010 2018-09-01, 01:37 AM
    Thread: Brigandine Grand Edition... Translation!
Post: Re: Brigandine Grand Edition... Ashthebloody from fo...
Rune Brigandine: Grand Edition 317 414,010 2018-08-29, 11:54 PM
    Thread: Brigandine GE : Hex Editor
Post: Re: Brigandine GE : Hex Editor

Ok so using a level 1 ghoul with 65,535 exp (FF FF) as a tester I gathered the following information on Hp/Mp growth and I tested with a rune knight at level 1 with 65,535 exp (FF FF) and I got the sa...
Rune Brigandine: Grand Edition 20 37,544 2018-08-14, 02:29 AM
    Thread: Anyone have any suggestions on fixing monster skills in GE?
Post: Re: Anyone have any suggestions on fixing monster ...

I wonder would it be possible to edit this so it adds skills to all monsters? It automatically adds Nimble and Shield Block + 25 % so would it be possible to change it so it adds two skills such as h...
Rune Brigandine: Grand Edition 3 3,390 2018-07-26, 11:11 AM
    Thread: Anyone have any suggestions on fixing monster skills in GE?
Post: Re: Anyone have any suggestions on fixing monster ...

0041B885 - 23 41 1C - and eax,[ecx+1C] 0041B888 - 03 41 10 - add eax,[ecx+10] 0041B88B - 0FB6 00 - movzx eax,byte ptr [eax]
Rune Brigandine: Grand Edition 3 3,390 2018-07-03, 12:55 AM
    Thread: Brigandine Grand Edition... Translation!
Post: Re: Brigandine Grand Edition...

sqwerl link Wrote: (2018-06-30, 02:03 PM) -- What would i have to change to lower rune cost and rune cost? I want monsters to have no upkeep and cost -5 per tier upgrade on a grand battle play. -- R...
Rune Brigandine: Grand Edition 317 414,010 2018-06-30, 03:06 PM
    Thread: Anyone have any suggestions on fixing monster skills in GE?
Post: Anyone have any suggestions on fixing monster skil...

I have been trying to remove "Nimble" as a skill in GE and balance classes a little better but... It seems Class : 30 bytes Byte 01+02+03 - Class name 3 byte Byte 04 - Byte 05 - Move Byte 06 - Move...
Rune Brigandine: Grand Edition 3 3,390 2018-06-28, 11:05 AM
    Thread: Brigandine Grand Edition... Translation!
Post: Re: Brigandine Grand Edition...

Vampire 052 010 01 128 12 5 108 90 71 255 002 255 0 012 00 00 148 002 060 00 16 26 Vampire 024 000 80 002 55 7 224 62 07 128 156 062 7 128 28 13 011 120 001 15 61 16 Merman 248 133 08 128 12 2 098 90 ...
Rune Brigandine: Grand Edition 317 414,010 2018-06-27, 08:56 AM
    Thread: Brigandine : Rise of Darkness
Post: Re: Brigandine : Rise of Darkness

I would just be interested in learning how they made the modifications for example monster classes and graphics
Rune Brigandine: Grand Edition 3 6,966 2018-06-12, 04:57 AM
    Thread: Brigandine Grand Edition... Translation!
Post: Re: Brigandine Grand Edition...

Nthanhdat link Wrote: (2018-06-11, 02:53 PM) -- Hi lubronbrons, can u get code allow Ranger change to Ninja without Shihara in own country? many years ago, i remembered i cheat on card gameshark fo...
Rune Brigandine: Grand Edition 317 414,010 2018-06-12, 04:29 AM
    Thread: Brigandine Grand Edition... Translation!
Post: Re: Brigandine Grand Edition...

I usually use hex editor neo make sure you back up your image before you edit it... just in case...
Rune Brigandine: Grand Edition 317 414,010 2018-06-11, 04:59 AM
    Thread: Brigandine Grand Edition... Translation!
Post: Re: Brigandine Grand Edition...

Cass46 link Wrote: (2018-06-10, 12:53 AM) -- I don't know why, but the cheat code doesn't work in my computer and notbook anymore. Your suggestion works using the cheat code, the number of digits is...
Rune Brigandine: Grand Edition 317 414,010 2018-06-10, 07:19 PM
    Thread: Brigandine Grand Edition... Translation!
Post: Re: Brigandine Grand Edition...

Search in hex for Lance 24 01 c8 00 46 01 6f 00 (class is Prince 24, level is 1, exp is 200, Hp is 326, mp is 111) Depending on which "game" you select you may need to change the class for "Lance" an...
Rune Brigandine: Grand Edition 317 414,010 2018-06-05, 11:47 PM
    Thread: Brigandine GE : Hex Editor
Post: Re: Brigandine GE : Hex Editor

00 00 41 02 c9 01 00 00 45 20 3c ff 15 2c 3d 24 37 ff ff ff 00 02 52 14 e2 02 89 00 74 3a 3a ff 0f 2c 35 24 36 26 2b ff 00 03 5c 01 23 02 00 00 56 00 24 ff 16 24 35 25 2f 28 ff ff Monster information...
Rune Brigandine: Grand Edition 20 37,544 2018-05-20, 05:06 PM