Wills and Wonders

And there is going to be dragons and zombies Smile
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‎  ‎  The demo is out and I implore anyone who has wanted to try Wills and Wonders or who has been on the fence about it to please download and give the game a try. If you enjoyed the game then please vote for us. We can't do this without your support and need help spreading the word.
‎  ‎  In this demo players can control any one starting territory of their choice. They can experience any aspect of the game found there. Go on quests, save others and they will join you, capture creatures, advance in the many different paths available and play around with many different abilities. Please enjoy the Wills and Wonders Alpha 5.4 Demo and thank you for your support.

Click the link below to download...
Wills and Wonders 5.4a DEMO

This game has been tested on personal computers, laptops, and touchscreens using a Windows operating system. Other systems have not been tested and have not been officially supported at this time.
We have found sound issues with the K-Lite codec package and have had issues with windowed mode on Windows 10.

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Thanks for sharing the Demo Adehm

I tried to run and the game installed fine. But when I try run it, it freeze in this screen forever.
I tried both windowed e full screen. I don't have my notebook with me, but I can test in 10 days on it.

My pc =
Win 8.1 pro 64 bits
I5 4690 ‎  cpu 3.50 ghz
4 gb ram
I don't have any graphic card ( I use the intel hd graphics and can run most games, except newer ones)

Must be some other problem

Ah, I tried run like Adm and in windows compatibilty mode too in 7 and xp.

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Sorry to hear that. The game does require DirectX 8.0 or above... I should have made a note of that but we didn't bother going over all the minimum requirements yet.
Does your onboard graphics card not support directx or do you not have directx installed?

It looks like it does support it and if you got that far then it must not be a graphics issue. Very confused. So you got to the title screen and there is the click anywhere to continue flashing at the bottom and all the credits on the left side of the screen? Then the next screen nothing but that grey background? Is the game still responsive? When you hit escape do you get a menu?
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Hello ‎  Biggrin

I have direct x 11 installed. My onboard support direct x.

what happen everytime I try run the game:
1- I click on the waw icon and the game starts
2- first screen is On The Wall Entertainment ( I wait and click)
3- second screen open and there's nothing asking me to click, only the portrait of the giant without any letters. I click and the grey background appears and only the music still playing.
4- Even if I hit escape or alt + f4 the game won't close.
I can close the game only this way: alt + tab and ‎  then click again in the waw icon. my windows ask permission to open the .exe and I choose no. This way the game close.

Strange stuff XD


Okay so there is no launcher window asking screen resolution that you have to use first?

If you go to \Wills and Wonders\Install.txt and change the first
number to -1 so you will be prompted with launcher. Example: ‎  -1/800x600/
Then select fullscreen to see if this fixes your apparent display issue. You may need
administrator permission when editing this file. Let me know how it went.

I attached the intended order of screens. No need to click the logo it will go as soon as it
is finished buffering that part of the game.

Launcher,Logo/buffering,titlescreen/buffering, title screen...

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
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Sorry my later reply
My old notebook died and I bought a new one in this days.
So I tested and happened the very same problem above using the desktop pc.

The launcher window shows and I tried windowed or full screen and tried all resolutions too.
the install.exe is already -1/800x600

the tittlescreen don't show any letters ‎  "on the wall presents....created by Adam...
I tried letting the tittlescreen alone for 10 minutes before I click and bring me to grey background.

Don't bother bro, I'll try in some days with my notebook and I 'll posting the results.


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Never seen this issue before. It's as if it is calculating where to draw
incorrectly leaving you with only the 0,0 renderings that display
because there is no number to multiple and hence they stay where
they are.

Really sorry about that but thanks for finding it ‎  Doh

Yeah, let me know how it goes on your other build.
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Sorry my later reply
My old notebook died and I bought a new one in this days.
So I tested and happened the very same problem above using the desktop pc.

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