Peace, Golden King.

First impressions?

If you found a star gate pedestal that messed up the keys I will definitely have to fix that.

When you put a key in the pedestal it should be removed from inventory...and you should never be able to get more than one ‎  Sweatdrop

I will check the coded event for the death on the eastern village area and try to get it fixed asap.

The lure you seek is actually on the southern cliffs in the very far eastern area...a sea goblin ate it up and it still is in his stomach :)
- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

Alrighty, patched up with the latest version and did ~ 1 1/2 hours of playing so far today.

Think I've done most of which I can do on the Western Shore, including finding a 2nd Light Crystal. ‎  Still two chests I can't open, even with the Gold Key.

Also got a pair of Shrine Keys from general searching around the world.

Finally, got my first Dark Crystal. ‎  Well worth having to sacrifice a Dragon Crystal on my end after falling off the cliff. ‎  Wasn't about to reload and go find a pedestal to drop my Star Key in.

Sadly I think the changes don't affect saved games in progress from previous versions. ‎  I still had bugged pedestals near the Eastern Shore/Village and this Dark Bolt spell I got from the Dark Crystal costs 8 MP, does AoE damage, and the spell refresh meter recharges as fast as, say, a fireball spell, if not a bit faster. ‎  Assuming this is the spell you talked about in the readme that got changed, then yeah, I suppose if you already have a save game in progress, then certain changes will not take effect regardless what's modified.

Odd considering I do see the changes to lv2 Necron's Blade having more weight on it. ‎  I'm almost certain I put all the files in their correct spots too.

This is more of a curiousity than anything, but would their be a MAGIC.PRM file in the 1.0.3 patch zipfile? ‎  I don't see one (Unless the zipfile got borked during the download process. ‎  Doubt it).

That's only going on the assumption that would be the file responsible for magic spell stats/recharge times, otherwise ignore that last sentence :P.
"I never cared about justice, and I don't recall ever calling myself a hero..." Zero, Mega Man Zero 4

Youre right, I forgot to add the magic.prm file to the list.

About the other stuff...when you load a map the first time and save your game...all item/object/event placement stays the same as far as I the patch won't fix a game in progress unfortunately =(
- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

Note to Self: ‎  Just because you've got 272 max HP, 11x max MP, an accessory that leeches MP for every hit you do that connects (Tidal Band in other words. ‎  Kinda feels a bit too overpowered when attacking physically, though that might just be me), and a good enough defense does not mean you aren't gonna get WTF pwned.

I kinda wandered into the Dragon Warrior's Temple or whatever it's called (Right next to the entrance to the Big Mine IIRC). ‎  There were platforms to my left needing Harvine's Flute with fireball spamming faces next to it. ‎  I could bypass all that with the Flute, but I went in the direction of a pair of salamanders just because.

I get hit by one fireball from one of those wall faces with 240 HP and die instantly. ‎  Was not expecting that one I assure you :P.

Kinda gives me bad flashbacks of the homing fireball wall faces from KF1US. ‎  Them and I were never good friends.
"I never cared about justice, and I don't recall ever calling myself a hero..." Zero, Mega Man Zero 4

That area hopefully is somewhat recognizable as the area in KF1 that has the same setup...two salamanders..the fiery faces...the bridge etc.

It is designed to destroy you pretty quickly unless you have the fire armor from thedeck's volcanic keep.

The dragon warrior shrine leads to the last area...and other than making the enemies atrociously strong with fire attacks...there was not much else I put in the way of you reaching the other side.

Take a stroll through thedeck's area...grab the 4 pieces of fire protectant gear and the fireballs will bounce right off you:)
- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

I just grabbed the first light crystal and the Sagittarius sword and the game is definitely beginning to pick up a bit. Unfortunately I'm pretty sure there are some bugs holding over in my game from before I patched it so I may have to restart ( ‎  Crying ).

One comment I will make is that I think people are putting a little too much stock into 'difficulty' as a defining point of the king's field games. Its true they are challenging and the challenge level I am feeling now with this now that I am moseying along is just right for a KF. The beginning, however, seemed a little much (though not nearly as nasty as DoM). Starting gear was, as people have noted, sparse: much more so than any of the other King's Field games. The weapons I was finding just didn't feel like much of an upgrade to each other till I acquired the Commander's Sword. The slimes were definitely the worst of the early game lot (as you have already addressed). However, I did notice it took a LONG TIME to kill anything for the longest time. I understand King's Field is meant to be slow and deliberate (I've played them all 3 or 4 times and DoM once through) but not that slow. 6 and 7 wacks to off an ant just gets tedious in my opinion. Its much better now that I'm out of the beginning and really getting into the game, but a small downward adjustment of hit points to bring the average whacks to 3 - 5 would be nice and would more or less fit with the other King's Field games.

Overall good job, and a great premise to work off of.

I agree with your points...and I will do my best to adjust everything to make it fit better.

Unfortunately I didnt have any real beta testing other than my own...and I know where all the hidden freebie gear is (there is enough to fully outfit you in the first 3 maps)

I will lower the hit points of the slimes before the game is out of 'beta'

I wish I could have had more beta testing, but I didnt want to ruin the game for the folks that were going to be the testers hehe. ‎  After all what fun is the final game if you have to debug it from behind the scenes.

I hope you all dont mind helping me 'perfect' the game a bit by playing through it and giving me feedback.

All I can ask is be patient if you find a bug, and my apologies if you have to go through the game from the beginning to get the patch updates to work :(

Hopefully its fun enough to warrant a second play through for some of you folks.

Thank you for your feedback...keep it coming!
- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

Patch updated should address some of the problems.
- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

Playing today revealed that I could finally go behind that sealed door in the Earth Caves. ‎  Claimed some stuff including one item which I gave to someone in a forest, thereby letting me access a new area to explore.

Enemies...either I'm overleveled/overpowered here (Started exploring the area at lv22) or the fishmen are complete chumps. ‎  I barely get whacked for more than 10-30 HP a hit (w/ Soldier's Helm, Studded Leather Vest, Silver Arms or whatever they're called, Seath's Boots, and Knight's Shield/Atainius' Shield), if that, and two Flame Walls spells + hit from Shiden kills one...for 240xp. ‎  Kinda high that xp is (Then again, I reckon I'm spiraling towards the endgame so yeah).

I kinda feel like they should be buffed up a bit in terms of how much damage they inflict, perhaps health too, and/or maybe inflict something like paralysis to make them more deadly (Kinda my experience with playing Diadem of Maunstraut coming through there).

The mantises could stand to be a bit more tougher as well. ‎  Then again, like with the fishmen, I might be overleveled for this area.

Regarding the Tidal Band now...feels better, but I still can't shake how it seems like I basically don't die if I stick to conserving MP for Earth Heals. ‎  Perhaps Earth Heal needs to cost more MP and/or have a slightly higher recharge time, or the Tidal Band could very slowly replenish HP instead of MP. ‎  Would like to hear from other players on their opinion of how the Tidal Band works now as well.

Finally...Seath's Boots from that merchant in Central Village (Celffy I think?) oughta cost more for the defensive stats it provides. ‎  Like maybe 2x-3x what it costs now.

That's about all for now. ‎  Just gotta finish exploring one more area around here before I go in search of another new area to explore.
"I never cared about justice, and I don't recall ever calling myself a hero..." Zero, Mega Man Zero 4

Ya that is glitched...trying to figure out how. ‎  Had you entered it already by chance?
- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

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