Echo Night anyone?

I'm half considering purchasing the Echo Night games (1 and 2) on the Japanese PSN. I've never played them (not a fan of the puzzle genre - or puzzles in games in general) so I'm wondering if anyone can recommend them (or not)

I will download it for the psp this weekend and give it a shot.

Im pretty sure its got tons of text, so unless you really enjoy japanese, just emulate it instead of getting it off the japanese PSN.
- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

Why get japanese versions when you can buy them on ebay in english?

I have both games but havent played the 2nd one.
The 1st game was ok but somthing better came out before i beat it.
Its funny in the 1st game your helpless so you run alot & franticly look for light switches since the demons only appear in the dark.
I remember laughing alot as i played it but its been like 10 years ago.

Holy is going to have more posts than I do soon!

I forget whats after capricorn crusher...I need to add stars or something to the ranks.
- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

A lot of Japanese text is good for the old noggin... I'm just wondering if I'll be bored out of my mind. Did EN inspire Trismegistrus (sorry if I mispelled) in any way I wonder??

I have too much on my plate for now, but it would be fun to just give a look see.... but I can only afford 5 more games I think before my PSN yen runs out (and I got a really good deal on that 100yen card I probably won't see again -- you have to import PSN cards if you're a foreigner)

I really like the freedom of having the games on the PS3 hardrive.

John told me that Trismegistus reminds him quite a bit of Echo Night.... ‎  but its different from it.

Funny really. ‎  I've never played Echo Night.
[Image: banner.gif]

Probable mucosal damage may contraindicate the use of gastric lavage.

Speaking of Trismegistus, I stumbled across this( the other day. I knew you wouldn't have just used a made up word, as tongue twisting as it seems, but it was not something I've ever heard of (well enough to register at least) ...and my brain is full of this sort of esoteric borderline-useless trivia.

Maybe you could expound upon the title (or maybe not...)

Time for me to see what this game is all about, downloading it tonight to put on my PSP.
- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

Just started this game tonight, so far its intriqueing..
- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

Let me know what you think. I'm itching to dl a new PSN game, but I'm not sure this one is worth 600? from my Japanese account, considering it's not easy for me to get money into this account Sweatdrop

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