Curse of the Pharoahs

Good day everyone, and thanks for letting me in on this chat string!

Well, let me introduce myself, I'm Xtremez, been a fan of all the KF games since PS1 came out with "KF2". So onto the next subject, I've been working on a new game called, "Curse of the Pharoahs". Has a number of different levels, Abu Simbel, Deir El Bahri, Kom Ombo and a few others, like a Labrynth w/ a Minotaur boss, etc. Being an Architect and Archealogist Im somewhat anal about the detailing and design of the maps, helps accuracy and intent anyway.

Well have most of the levels complete and need to start seeding the maps w/NPC's and Enemy's wanted to know if anyone would be interested in running thru what I have and giving me some pointers?

Write back and let me know! Thanks!


Yeah lets see it! Im sure us three main members will be happy to test it!

Certainly would be, feel free to PM me and we can get you set up with webspace to host your demo for testing.
- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

Very happy to meet you xtremez ‎  Smile
New Fing's Field-ians are always welcome. I think any of us here would be happy to help you with questions or testing so feel free to ask!
You can contact me at if there's anything I can do to help.
It will be very interesting to see what an archaeologist/architect does with recreating Egyptian landmarks.

Thanks to all who responded! WOW, greatly appreciated! Glad to know some of us old die-hards are still out there. As for how an Acrhaeologist/Architect will do recreating some Egyptian landmarks, well, Im somewhat limited as to the map pieces. Lets say I've had to be "creative" with the map. As for the maps, they take awhile to say the least, when trying to scale them correctly isnt always possible do to map size availability so.....Seti's 1 tomb for example, had to put a 180* turn in it, but for the most part, its kewl......what I need is a few objects made, i.e. a Pharaoh standing and seated, a scarab......just the usual stuff to accent the environment. Anyways, I apologize for the delay in responding, work has me slammed and didnt expect many to post. Will give an update everyday or so, now, lol. AGAIN thanks to all who responded and need to know who to give the .som file too. Will be happy to email it to anyone! Cheers!


You should put some in-game background story for the historical places in your game -at least I think that would be cool.
There was a historian character in Final Fantasy 10 that traveled around and would tell you long stories about areas in the game.
He says one of my favorite lines from that game- after he's told you a big long historical tale about "who did what to whom and why in ancient days", he finishes by saying "... or maybe not. Who knows?" Kind of sums up the role of the historian- trying to draw a solid conclusion about a past world from little surviving fragments. While still keeping his mind open enough that he doesn't confine his thinking to a fallacy. . . ‎ or maybe not. Who knows? ‎ Tongue

Anyways, I put together a couple Egyptian themed parts (attached) that might work somewhere. There are positioning issues with the process that converts models to SoM's format so the Pharaoh needs to be set high (+0.7 Y should do it) and 'no shadow'.

Were you wanting a scarab item like a ring/necklace or an actual scarab beetle model? It would be pretty easy to make a 'wall tapestry' sort of item that you can texture with any Egyptian pictures you liked- if that would help. :)

Attached Files
.zip (Size: 598.39 KB / Downloads: 167)

Thanks for responding, Well..........downloaded your zip, when I get home will open it and check it out, sure its really kewl and THANKS FOR TAKING THE TIME. I'm exceptional w/ maya, bryce, cad, poser. Starting to mess around with meta seq., just not proficient at it yet. Of course there are the traditional "enemys" to mess with, scorpion is nice as always, in the first few levels anyways. Was thinking of some small scarabs to attack your ankles to pester you, and maybe a big one for a level boss, who knows? Lol. Im really feeling confined to using the obj's, item's, npc's, etc. that are semi standard. Still cant find a moving water pieces to use instead of the dead blue tiles. I found so pieces actually, but cant get them to load in the obj or item folder, maybe Im doing something wrong.
Anyways only have 6 levels complete, meaning the level enviroment, levels are complete except for enemys and npc's. Figured getting the maps down is the hardest and most time consuming part, adding them is easy.
Like your idea for the story line. I was planning on doing something like that, have npc in local bazaars to talk to, give a little info, etc.
Also, I have at least 4 to 6 more levels possibly more that I want to create. Been putting in a couple hours a night on it and again trying to pic and design certain historic places that actually fit within the confines of the map board. Working on Kom Ombo now, wanted to do Karnak, but WAYYYYY to big for the map!

If you think of anything Egyptian or Roman, shoot them on my direction, will definately add your name or anyone that wants to help, I have no problem with a "group effort". The goal is to make the BADDEST SOM game yet, well at least the biggest and longest.

To everyone ........... shoot me an email if you want! ‎  ‎  ‎  ‎  ‎  ‎  ‎  ‎  [email protected] ‎ 


Aubrey -- Xtremez

WOW, the gold statue and Pharaoh are incredible! THANKS ! I need to learn to make stuff like this!
Im using the "stock" accessories w/ the game, and again feel way limited w/ what I want to accomplish, your pieces are GREAT. If you have anything else, would love to use them bra!
Shoot me an email when you get a chance and again I cant express my THANKS enough!



You could manage karnak - by splitting up the "map" into individual maps, then setting up a warp, like so...

You coud have 4 maps of karnak. Huge area but hey, if you're determined, you'l do it! Having said that though, just walking about isnt a great deal of fun, it'l need items and enemies to find, and if you've completed one maps worth of interaction-ables (?? ‎  Biggrin) you'l know its very time consuming.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

Verdite, Thx for the response. I'm way determined, and yes.........IT TAKES TIME! I was wondering on the original set of KF games, between some levels they have a level door that opens and closes, in warping to the next level the door opens and you walk thru, note: seeing the new level in front of you as the door opens. I'm new to this so bare with me here! Anyways I can live with that, but the only thing I've been able to accomplish is the "actual- white in, white out" old skool warp.
How did KF orig. do the open door warp, where you see the next level as it opens ? Is that accomplished by setting the end coordinates to a "tile" in front of where you started? Thx by the way! Im really serious about completing this game!!!
Any ideas, hints, tips, obj's, items etc are SUPER HELPFUL!


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