Metasequoia modeler tutorials and Keynote translated plugins

I use meta for all / most SoM work with a few blender models here and there.

Just out of curiosity, are you interested in playing the SoM games here?

To be honest Verdite I don't really have enough time atm to get involved with anything else, My wife is in full agreement as well!

Ooh more to play with

John, planning to start finally diggin into this tomorrow.

Do I have your permission to add this how to into the main site's tutorial area once I have followed all youve done and understand it a bit better?
- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

OK john, worked on a breakable barrel has 5 parts.

I am to the 'motion' part of your tutorial and i have a few questions.

When I go into motion, I dont want to change anything for the initial key frame, so i leave it be and move the slider...lets say to 2.

At 2 I moved all the bones a bit, save for the bottom bone since the bottom of the barrel doesnt move (in fact, if/when I perfect this, I think the bottom of the barrel will actually be an object, that way when you break the barrel the top animates away via npc death leaving the bottom of the barrel object in its place, then upon death activate the trigger to spawn the item in the barrel) i moved the frame to 4 saw it place a blue key frame indicator on the timeline and again moved the bones. ‎  After I moved it again i noted that at 2 and 4 i now had indicators for keyframes, so i played the animation...however it only showed keyframes at 2 and 4 but not the original 0 positioning....can you tell me what I may be doing wrong?

In addition, do you know how many seconds (or parts of a second) the ticks on the timeline equate to in game?

- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

Thanks for the info, i will contact Holy about whether or not I can host his updates for x2mdl or not, I would assume if he is genuinely wanting to help the general populace of SOM users he will probably allow it as long as I put the time in to let everyone know the proper terminology for what to call it and how he may take legal action if they mispronounce it and so on :)

Hopefully I will have a workable breakable barrel by sometime today for you guys to have a peek at, I am glad I can flip all the model stuff, working with it upside down has been a pain.

I would read more stuff on holy's site but his forum runs absolutely awful for me, I suppose its because I use IE and not firefox, but really, not making your forum more browser friendly just seems weird to me. ‎  I wish I could just have him use this damn forum and stick to his technical stuff and leave his abrasive opinions about everything else to himself...oh well. ‎  I do thank him, and you of course for the effort put forth on this particular project though for sure.
- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

OK animations 0 and 3 are in (idle and death for npc).

Saved to x...going to work on the x2mdl side next. ‎  So far so good.

I think I know the first enemy I am going to build, because it will be easy:)

A spectral sword....for those of you unfamiliar with what that is, its a floating sword (going to have its idle animation basically be a glow effect if I can figure out how) and it will have maybe two swing attacks and a magic attack, shouldnt be terribly difficult since it will be one bone.
- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

I hate to sound like a total dumbass, but I cant find on holy's site where he has x2mdl available for download.

I checked his svn and see nothing in the tools directory and so on.
- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

OK found x2mdl...but now I can't find cpgen.exe @@
- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

Thank you Ben for cpgen.

Got everything going ok, sent john an email to look over what i have and point out my miss steps:)
- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

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