Curse of the Pharoahs

Abu Simbel - Looking thru the Temple of Ramses II into the chamber of souls

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Looking great!!

Very nice, keep it up!
- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

Does anyone know how to get around the 512 object limit in the map editor?

Nice pictures! I watched a documentary recently about how the Egyptians built pillars like the ones in your picture- by placing the first rock that would be the pillar's base, then piling dirt around the rock to use as a ramp to stack the next rock and so on. When they placed the top pillar rock, they slowly removed the dirt and carved the pillar sides into shape on the way down. And here I always thought they made their pillars with the same alien levitation ray that they used to build their pyramids ‎ Tongue

You can convert most Objects into Items without a lot of effort. Items have their own limit (separate from Objects) so that helps some. I think Tom (who made Diadem of Maunstraut) just copied the contents of the "OBJ" folder into the "ITEM"- I don't think it ever caused any problems.

You can also divide your big maps into smaller linked maps, but that might take a bit of work if you're already underway.

Thanks! I tried converting a few to items, but you can walk thru an item ..........? Kinda cool depending on if you want to conceal a hidden door or something, maybe a waterfall. More plants, I need more plants. The pot/urn takes up one as does the plant.........
I getting ready to snap, I want to shit my map over four spaces and have to delete and re-seed 500+ object and items..........killing me.
I also need to figure out a way to take the outdoor grass cliff set and make it into a sand texture.....GOT ANY IDEAS?
Im not proficient w/ metasq yet, need to practice for sure.

If you want alot of objects in one area, thats easy to do... If you want a certain vase - like an egyptian style one, ill make one for you, and i can make it so that 3 stand in one area rather than one - it'l count as one object.

I done a quick fix up of a texture for you. Not sure if its what you wanted, but here it is. I can easily change the texture again. Just pop this txr file into your texture folder in the data / map / texture folder and replace (or make a backup copy) if you wanted something with more vareity, let me know and ill make you something.

If you do want something, give me a picture and ill work off it.
I'm gonna upload my temple set - its quite egyptian looking.

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.txr   yko01.txr (Size: 256.02 KB / Downloads: 175)

Hey, thanks man, greatly appreciate the help! The texture looks great, but the color could be a little more on the "yellow" sandy end of things. Seems I use the "Colesseum floor" alot", maybe something color compatible? As for the map set, got the email, and dl'd it last night. Gotta check and see which ones this overwrites. Right now I'm limited as to what I can do with the "stock" engine, soon, very soon, I'll put the time in to learn meta and then my limitations will be far less.
This 512 object thing is killing me!
I've also been messing around with traps, cant seem to get them to work. Possibly an action assignment issue, or a problem between the chair and keyboard no doubt, laf? Have always loved the arrows! And the swinging blades........classic. I will mess with them a little more, maybe I'm doing something wrong?
Really need your help in making a scarab beetle, something small, like the baby termites KF had, something small and dark, could possibly use the original termite sound bite. Wouldn't do much damage, maybe 1 pt, but have hundreds of them pour out of a wall or something cool.
The more I get into making this game the further I find I am from the finished product. So many things I want to do.
I have 6 or 7 maps designed, mostly finished. Would like 15 by the time I'm finished. Mapping actually seems to be the easiest, quicker then seeding all the objects and items, etc.
Anyways will check in again, thanks for the help!

Yeah ill make you a scarab, i'm trying to work to my deadline for my demo though, so i may make it in may if you can wait?

Quote:I getting ready to snap, I want to shit my map over four spaces and have to delete and re-seed 500+ object and items..........killing me.
Not sure if it will help in your situation, but SoM can copy a map with Object/Items intact. In the Map Editor, go to "Pick Map" and use the Copy/Paste. It might be easier than moving things manually.

(2011-04-24, 02:28 PM)Xtremez link Wrote:I've also been messing around with traps, cant seem to get them to work. Possibly an action assignment issue, or a problem between the chair and keyboard no doubt, laf? Have always loved the arrows! And the swinging blades........classic. I will mess with them a little more, maybe I'm doing something wrong?
Make sure you have the trap's damage set in the parameter editor. Sickle and Iron Ball traps should work normal when placed on a map. you can start and stop them using the "Object's animation On Off" command in an event. The Arrow trap works the same way, but make sure you also set it's range in the Parameter Editor. As for the spear traps, I don't know if anyone has ever been able to make them work normally. They might be bugged.

Quote:The more I get into making this game the further I find I am from the finished product. So many things I want to do.
Ha, welcome the the SoM club! :)

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