Never approach the island. For a sleeping beast in the darkness waits for a great awakening.

Physical Copies?

Any news on the re-print of a few physical copies of Dark Destiny? When I asked around in December it was in the works to make a few copies but I haven't seen anything on the forums at all about it since. I would really love a copy for the collection, that's why Im hounding DMP XD
Let strength be granted so the world might be mended.

I asked Todd if I could print up some new copies of his game a few months back, and he said it was OK, but he never sent me the files. [begin guilt trip ‎  Razz] I suppose he's too busy with his fancy, newfangled 360 games to remember bout us poor old SoM fans these days. [end guilt trip... did it work???] Ninja

Would be awesome to get a physical copy with that manual and everything. I would pay for it, really.
Let strength be granted so the world might be mended.

I apologize for not getting back to this is coming I promise.

Unfortunately I had a set back a month ago or so in that my lightscrbie burner does not have a working windows 7 driver (damn you Canon Inc) so I had to scrounge up my old SOM xp machine to get it working. ‎  It is now functional and I was able to get all the files to fix another run of copies. ‎  I will probably pop out a last run of 10 and send them out to whoever is still in need of one, no charge of course.

I know I owe Guyra and Verdite one, I will add you to the list and there were a few others who emailed me I will have to check on to make sure I make enough. ‎  I had contemplated redoing the cover art as I was never too keen on it in the first place, would you prefer the original or a revamped version?
- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

Nice to hear from you again dmp! Concerning the art, there is only one real answer; make a reversable cover with both old and new cover art! =)

Looking forward to this so much. What was included in the original release btw? Soundtrack? Manual? Covers on the cd's?
Let strength be granted so the world might be mended.

Personally, I really like the artwork on it. I'd rather see some new artwork on another game. ;)

Really looking forward to getting this, Todd! I'm actually just waiting to get the physical copy before playing the game! :D

Still hearing crickets about this. How about letting us pay a little bit for the game so you can afford the new printer stuff or whatever it is that is crashing this wonderful project?
Let strength be granted so the world might be mended.

I agree, because I'd love to have a copy together with my collection here!

How about a bump here? This can't be forgotten!
Let strength be granted so the world might be mended.

Still interested in this and I won't let up =)
Let strength be granted so the world might be mended.

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