Game mentioned as "like King's Field" - Hungry Ghosts

Welcome, higado2! ‎ 

OK, so I thought I was missing a bunch of the NPC discussions, and started searching through the binary again. ‎  (But went about it slightly differently.) ‎  I spoke too soon before - I just uncovered a whole pile of new (unique) blocks to translate. ‎  Cheesy

I do think I have almost everything identified now. ‎  I count up a total of 700~ish kB of raw text in the game. ‎  That may not sound like much if you're used to seeing MB sized pdfs and whatnot, but remember this is raw text size. ‎  To put this in perspective, averaging 2 bytes per Shift-JIS character, that's roughly 350,000 Japanese characters. ‎  Typical words average about 2 characters, so... you get the idea. ‎  ‎  OOooh

With the new stuff added into the mix, I'm at about 20% finished. ‎ 

But, I don't see that as a discouragement, just a shift in expectations. ‎  The fight will go on. ‎  Groundal

Messages In This Thread
Re: Game mentioned as "like King's Field" - Hungry Ghosts - by Mord of Swoonlight - 2014-09-06, 05:15 AM

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