I think that I'm going to agree with Forsena being a quasi England. I thought Lance was a kind of young King Arthur. What with his wise old advisor and all. You also really get the feeling of some sort of established hierarchy from them. It all seems so orderly. Arthurian legend is often associated with the pre Anglo-Saxon, Romano-Celtic people. That's kind of what I see there. Also, Norgard is a pretty clear viking analogy. However, they could be pretty barbaric and maybe they are the Scottish Highlanders. I think of Caerleon as the Celtic people. Maybe to be more particular Welsh. Druidism, often associated with the Celts, is often interpreted as a very magic oriented tradition. This leaves Almekia or Esgares as a pre-Norman Anglo-Saxon kingdom. Seems to fit. Iscalio is the odd one out here, I think they seem to me, like Italy attached on to the island.
Edit: I have to say, Caerleon looks exactly like Cornwall. And Padstow kinda looks like Wales, if you squint hard enough.
Edit: I have to say, Caerleon looks exactly like Cornwall. And Padstow kinda looks like Wales, if you squint hard enough.