Game mentioned as "like King's Field" - Hungry Ghosts

I know better than to announce a specific date or anything, ha. ‎  But I think I'm on track to finish the version for testing sometime in late summer. ‎  Thanks for volunteering to help test things out! ‎  I don't anticipate sending anything out until the first-pass translations are all done. ‎  Dazed ‎  (I did a basic check myself, to make sure my changes work, which is when I made those teaser videos.) ‎  But I will definitely be relying on testers at that point to iron out the wrinkles. ‎  I'll send a message around when it gets to that stage. ‎  ‎  Devo

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Re: Game mentioned as "like King's Field" - Hungry Ghosts - by Mord of Swoonlight - 2015-07-08, 08:01 PM

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