Brigandine GE : Hex Editor

Addresses are from the .bin, not yet .img.
Default Knights : (1C hex bytes)

Byte 00 = Class
Byte 01 = Level
Byte 02 + 03 = XP (2 bytes)
Byte 04 + 05 = HP (2 bytes)
Byte 06 + 07 = MP (2 bytes)
Byte 08 = STR
Byte 09 = INT
Byte 0A = AGI
Byte 0B = rune power growth + Rune Area
Byte 0C + 0D = rune power
Byte 0E -> 13 = Creatures under Command
Byte 14 = starting class
Byte 15 = weapon
Byte 16 = item
Byte 17 = team
Byte 18 = town
byte 14 : 01 Cleric - 02 Barbarian - 04 Samurai - 05 Avenger

1A6284 - Lance
1A62A0 - Lyoness
1A62BC - Vaynard
1A62D8 - Cai
1A62F4 - Zemeckis
1A6310 - Dryst
1A632C - Cador
1A6348 - Bulnoil
1A6364 - Merriot
1A6380 - Iria
1A639C - Gereint
1A63B8 - Meleagant
1A63D4 - Kiloph
1A63F0 - Guinglain
1A640C - Dinadan
1A6428 - Esmeree
1A6444 - Millet
1A6460 - Layoneil
1A647C - Millia
1A6498 - Halley
1A64B4 - Coel
1A64D0 - Yvain
1A64EC - Roecod
1A6508 - Paradoll
1A6524 - Mira
1A6540 - Asmit
1A655C - Isfas
1A6578 - Raizen
1A6594 - Liguel
1A65B0 - Esclados
1A65CC - Langueborg
1A65E8 - Caster
1A6604 - Miguel
1A6620 - Dogal
1A663C - Victoria
1A6658 - Glauze
1A6674 - Loufal
1A6690 - Schutleis
1A66AC - Carlota
1A66C8 - Luintail
1A66E4 - Lecarra
1A6700 - Janfadar
1A671C - Batercus
1A6738 - Soleil
1A6754 - Rangunius
1A6770 - Daffy
1A678C - Klauques
1A67A8 - Cathleen
1A67C4 - Charlene
1A67E0 - Noie
1A67FC - Bilcock
1A6818 - Fiel
1A6834 - Lucia
1A6850 - Brusom
1A686C - Bagdemagus
1A6888 - Georg
1A68A4 - Hula
1A68C0 - Morholt
1A68DC - Paternus
1A6A28 - Palomides
1A6A44 - Shast
1A6A60 - BeauArte
1A6A7C - Ulster
1A6A98 - Camden
1A6AB4 - Cortina
1A6AD0 - Shiraha
1A6AEC - Ivan
1A6B08 - Gish
1A6B24 - Alsace
1A6B40 - Rain
1A6B5C - Teath
1A6B78 - Galonwand
1A6B94 - Hyude
1A6BB0 - Limlight
1A6BCC - Sophia
1A6BE8 - Filo
1A6C04 - Faticia
1A6C20 - Eloute
1A6C3C - Gush
1A6C58 - Cierra
1A6C74 - Baleen
1A6C90 - Chantail
1A6CAC - Zerafin
1A6CC8 - Irvin
1A6CE4 - Eniede
1A6D00 - Gilsus
1A6D1C - Alphelia
1A6D38 - Roadbull
1A6D54 - Elaine
1A6D70 - Adilicia
1A6D8C - Brangien
1A6DA8 - Ector
1A6DC4 - Carmine
1A6DE0 - Gallo
1A6DFC - Shred
1A6E18 - MelTorefas
1A6E34 - Aldis
1A6E50 - Balder
1A6E6C - Helrato
1A6E88 - Kazan
1A6EA4 - Dillard
1A6EC0 - Kirkmond
1A6EDC - Peryner
1A6EF8 - Sheluna
1A6F14 - Aaron
1A6F30 - Vanessa
1A6F4C - Rod
1A6F68 - Almina
1A6F84 - Neville
1A6FA0 - Clarence
1A6FBC - Belgar
1A6FD8 - Sheridan
1A6FF4 - Owen (Death Sniper)
1A7010 - Gaheris (Death Warrior)

Class : 30 bytes

Byte 01+02+03 - Class name 3 byte
Byte 04 -
Byte 05 - Move
Byte 06 - Move type
Byte 07 - Def
Byte 08 - Main attack
Byte 09 - Secondary attack 1
Byte 0A - Secondary attack 2
Byte 0B - Special attack 1
Byte 0C - Special attack 2
Byte 0D - Magic : white black << all magics are inherited
Byte 0E - Magic : black Red
Byte 0F - Magic : red blue
Byte 10 - Magic green
Byte 11 - Skill 1 << skill can be inherited
Byte 12 - Skill 2
Byte 13 - Element : black white red
Byte 14 - Element : blue green
Byte 15 - Add HP
Byte 16 - Add MP
Byte 17 - Focus ( Increase Magic Damage )
Byte 18 - Stars/Tier
Byte 19 + 1C - EXP required to level up (2 bytes)
Byte 1D-30 - Rest of code alters spirit and animation

AC644 : Fighter
AC674 : Barbarian
AC6A4 : Berseker
AC6D4 : Swordman
AC704 : Swordmaster
AC734 : Cavalier
AC764 : Paladin
AC794 : Avenger
AC7C4 : Mage
AC7F4 : Sorceror
AC824 : Wizard
AC854 : Druid
AC884 : Necromancer
AC8B4 : Priest
AC8E4 : Bishop
AC914 : Cardinal
AC944 : Monk
AC974 : Guardian
AC9A4 : Ranger
AC9D4 : Grappler
ACA04 : Champion
ACA34 : Ninja
ACA64 : Ninja Master
ACA94 : Scout
ACAC4 : Archer
ACAF4 : Artemis
ACB24 : Lancer
ACB54 : Valkyrie
ACB84 : Enchantress
ACBB4 : Sorceress
ACBE4 : Witch
ACC14 : Mystic
ACC44 : Sage
ACDA4 : Cleric
ACDD4 : Lector
ACE04 : Saint
ACE34 : Prince
ACE64 : Lord
ACE94 : Queen
ACEC4 : Warlord
ACEF4 : Tyrant
ACF24 : Emperor
ACF54 : Death Knight
ACF84 : Clamier
ACFB4 : Angel
ACFE4 : Arch Angel
AD014 : Unicorn
AD044 : Nightmare
AD074 : Pegasus
AD0A4 : Gryphon
AD0D4 : Holygriff
AD104 : Seraph
AD134 : Lucifer
AD164 : Demon
AD194 : Arch Demon
AD1C4 : Ghoul
AD1F4 : Vampire
AD224 : Hell Hound
AD254 : Fenrir
AD284 : Satan
AD2B4 : Lilith
AD2E4 : Vampire Lord
AD314 : Merman
AD344 : Tritan
AD374 : Posiedon
AD3A4 : Lizard Man
AD3D4 : Lizard Guard
AD404 : Wyvern
AD434 : Couatl
AD464 : Pixie
AD494 : Fairy
AD4C4 : Centaur
AD4F4 : High Centaur
AD524 : Mandrake
AD554 : Man-Eater
AD584 : Dragon
AD6E4 : Red Dragon
AD714 : Giant
AD744 : Titan
AD774 : Gigas
AD7A4 : G-Scorpion
AD7D4 : Death Needle
AD804 : Salamander
AD834 : White Dragon
AD864 : Fafnir
AD894 : Bahamut
AD8C4 : Hydra
AD8F4 : Tiamat
AD924 : Thor
AD954 : Loki
AD984 : Roc
AD9B4 : Phoenix
AD9E4 : Clay Golem
ADA14 : Stone Golem
ADA44 : Broze Golem
ADA74 : Talos
ADAA4 : Jinn
ADAD4 : Djinni
ADB04 : Efreeti
ADB34 : Marid
ADB64 : Dao
ADB94 : Glitch
ADBC4 : Lizard King
ADBF4 : King
ADC24 : Super Mad
ADC54 : Killler Doll
ADC84 : Knight Master
ADCB4 : Death Sniper
ADCE4 : Death Warrior

Element :
8-10-18 : 1-2-3 black
10-20-30 : 1-2-3 green
01-02-03 : 1-2-3 white
40-80-C0 : 1-2-3 red
02-04-06 : 1-2-3 blue

Skill :
01-Hit & Run
02-Deflect +25%
03-Shield Block +25%
04-Shield Block +20%
05-Anti-Projectile +50%
06-Magic Def +20%
07-Magic Def +10%
08-HP Recover +10%
09-HP recover +5%
0A-Aquatic Heal +10%
0B-Aquatic Heal +5%
0E-Evade +5%
0F-Counter damg +10%
10-Critical +10%
11-Critical +5%
12-Acc +5%
80-Act x2

Class Growth Rate : ( 5 bytes )

Byte 01 - HP Growth
Byte 02 - MP Growth
Byte 03 - Str Growth
Byte 04 - Int Growth
Byte 05 - Agi Growth

HP Growth :
00 : no growth
01 : 0-4
02 : 4-8
03 : 8-12
04 : 12-16
05 : 16-20

MP Growth :
00 : no growth
01 : 0-2
02 : 2-4
03 : 4-6
04 : 6-8
05 : 8-10

Str , Int , Agi Growth :
00 : no growth
01 : 0 - 1
02 : 0 - 2
03 : 1 - 2
04 : 1 - 3
05 : 2 - 3

AF7FC - Fighter
AF801 - Barbarian
AF806 - Beserker
AF80B - Swordman
AF810 - Swordmaster
AF815 - Cavalier
AF81A - Paladin
AF81F - Avenger
AF824 - Mage
AF829 - Sorceror
AF82E - Wizard
AF833 - Druid
AF838 - Necromancer
AF83D - Priest
AF842 - Bishop
AF847 - Cardinal
AF84C - Monk
AF851 - Guardian
AF856 - Ranger
AF85B - Grappler
AF860 - Champion
AF865 - Jadou
AF86A - Jadou Master
AF86F - Scout
AF874 - Archer
AF879 - Artemis
AF87E - Lancer
AF883 - Valkyrie
AF888 - Enchantress
AF88D - Sorceress
AF892 - Witch
AF897 - Mystic
AF89C - Sage
AF8A1 - Cleric
AF8A6 - Lector
AF8AB - Saint
AF8B0 - Prince
AF8B5 - Lord
AF8BA - Queen
AF8BF - Warlock
AF8C4 - Tyrant
AF8C9 - Emperor
AF8CE - Death Knight
AF8D3 - Claimer
AF8D8 - Angel
AF8DD - Arch Angel
AF8E2 - Unicorn
AF8E7 - Nightmare
AF8EC - Pegasus
AF8F1 - Gryphon
AF8F6 - Holygriff
AF8FB - Seraph
AF900 - Lucifer
AF905 - Demon
AF90A - Arch Demon
AF90F - Ghoul
AF914 - Vampire
AF919 - Hell Hound
AF91E - Fenrir
AF923 - Satan
AF928 - Lilith
AF92D - Vampire Lord
AF932 - Merman
AF937 - Tritan
AF93C - Posiedon
AF941 - Lizard Man
AF946 - Lizard Guard
AF94B - Wyvern
AF950 - Couatl
AF955 - Pixie
AF95A - Fairy
AF95F - Centaur
AF964 - High Centaur
AF969 - Mandrake
AF96E - Man-Eater
AF973 - Dragon
AF978 - Red Dragon
AF97D - Giant
AF982 - Titan
AF987 - Gigas
AF98C - G-Scorpion
AF991 - Death Needele
AF996 - Salamander
AF99B - White Dragon
AF9A0 - Fafnir
AF9A5 - Bahamut
AF9AA - Hydra
AF9AF - Tiamat
AF9B4 - Thor
AF9B9 - Loki
AF9BE - Roc
AF9C3 - Phoenix
AF9C8 - Clay Golem
AF9CD - Stone Golem
AF9D2 - Bronze Golem
AF9D7 - Talos
AF9DC - Jinn
AF9E1 - Djinni
AF9E6 - Efreeti
AF9EB - Marid
AF9F0 - Dao
AF9F5 - Glitch
AF9FA - Lizard King
AF9FF - King
AFA04 - Super Mad Monarch
AFA09 - Killer Doll
AFA0E - Knight Master
AFA13 - Death Sniper
AFA18 - Death Warrior

Attack Type : 14 bytes

Byte 01 08 : Name
Byte 09 - Hit
Byte 0A - Range ( Min )
Byte 0B - Range ( Max )
Byte 0C - Damage
Byte 0D - Element : white , black , red
Byte 0E - Element : blue , green
Byte 0F - Ground or Sky
Byte 10 - ???
Byte 11 - Usable after moving ( 00 : yes : 04 : not )

AE4A8 : Fighter Blade ( Fighter )
AE4BC : Power Strike
AE4D0 : Fury Axe ( Barbarian )
AE4E4 : Axe Rush
AE4F8 : Fury Axe ( Berserker )
AE50C : Axe Rush
AE520 : Katana Blade ( Swordman )
AE534 : Shadow Moon
AE548 : Iai Slash
AE55C : Katana Blade ( Sword Master )
AE570 : Shadow Moon
AE584 : Iai Slash
AE598 : Knight Sword ( Cavalier )
AE5AC : Cross Cutter
AE5C0 : Knight Sword ( Paladin )
AE5D4 : Justice Cutter
AE5E8 : Knight Sword ( Avenger )
AE6FC : Genocide
AE610 : Sorcery Staff ( Mage )
AE624 : Sorcery Staff ( Sorcerer )
AE638 : Sorcery Staff ( Wizard )
AE64C : Sorcery Staff ( Druid )
AE660 : Sorcery Staff ( Necromancer )
AE674 : Clergy Mace ( Priest )
AE688 : Clergy Mace ( Bishop )
AE69C : Clergy Mace ( Cardinal )
AE6B0 : Debar Knuckle ( Monk )
AE6C4 : Prana Burst
AE6D8 : Debar Knuckle ( Guardian )
AE6EC : Ultra Combo
AE700 : Brave Knuckle ( Ranger )
AE714 : Crash Beat
AE728 : Brave Knuckle ( Grappler )
AE73C : Crash Beat
AE750 : Brave Knuckle ( Champion )
AE764 : Ultra Combo
AE778 : Kunai ( Ninja )
AE78C : Shuriken
AE7A0 : Kunai ( Ninja Master )
AE7B4 : Shuriken
AE7C8 : Short Bow ( Scout )
AE7DC : Twin Shot
AE920 : Middle Bow ( Archer )
AE934 : Triple Shot
AE948 : Long Bow ( Artemis )
AE95C : Marvelous Shot
AE970 : Spear ( Lancer )
AE984 : Mirage Spear
AE998 : Spear Throw
AE9AC : Spear ( Valkyrie )
AE9C0 : Mirage Spear
AE9D4 : Throw Spear
AE9E8 : Slash Whip ( Enchantress )
AE9FC : Slash Whip ( Sorceress )
AEA10 : Slash Whip ( Wizard )
AEA24 : Force ( Mystic )
AEA38 : Force ( Sage )
AEA4C : Pligrim Rod ( Cleric )
AEA60 : Pligrim Rod ( Lector )
AEA74 : Pligrim Rod ( Saint )
AEA88 : Twin Blade ( Prince )
AEA9C : Wing Slash
AEAB0 : Caladbolg ( Lord )
AEAC4 : Wolf Fang
AEAD8 : Liath-Fail ( Queen )
AEAEC : Word of Magic ( Warlock )
AEB00 : Vandal Scythe ( Tyrant )
AEB14 : Dark Spiral
AEB28 : Tempest Bow ( Emperor )
AEB3C : Lightning Bow
AEB50 : Death Bringer ( Death Knight )
AEB64 : Dolorous Strike
AEB78 : Eternal Scar ( Claimer )
AEB8C : Cross Strike ( Angel )
AEBA0 : Cross Blitz ( Arch Angel )
AEBB4 : Horn Attack ( Unicorn )
AEBC8 : Calamity Horn ( Nightmare )
AEBDC : Diving Horn ( Pegasus )
AEBF0 : Beak Attack ( Gryphon )
AEC04 : Beak Clash ( Holygriff )
AEC18 : Feather Storm
AEC2C : Punish Rise ( Seraph )
AEC40 : Light Feather
AEC54 : Fallen Shrine ( Lucifer )
AEC68 :Chaos Feather
AEC7C : Evil Spike ( Demon )
AEC90 : Crime Spike ( Arch Demon )
AECA4 : Necro Eater ( Ghoul )
AECB8 : Life Drain ( Vampire )
AECCC : Hell Fang ( Hell Hound )
AECE0 : Ruin Fang ( Fenrir )
AECF4 : Dark Pleasure ( Satan )
AED08 : Dark Ecstasy ( Lilith )
AED1C : Life Drain ( Vampire Lord )
AED30 : Splash Arch ( Merman )
AED44 : Wave Arch ( Tritan )
AED58 : Flood Arch ( Poseidon )
AED6C : Lefty Axe ( Lizard Man )
AED80 : Guard Axe ( Lizard Guard )
AED94 : Tail Whip ( Wyvern )
AEDA8 : Tail Chain ( Couatl )
AEDBC : Stick Tap ( Pixie )
AEDD0 : Magic Stick ( Fairy )
AEDE4 : Hunter Shot ( Centaur )
AEDF8 : Killer Shot ( High Centaur )
AEE0C : Tentacle Snap ( Mandrake )
AEE20 : Tentacle Beat ( Man-Eater )
AEE34 : Spine Missle
AEE48 : Terror Jaw ( Dragon )
AEE5C : Burning Jaw ( Red Dragon )
AEE70 : Power Fist ( Giant )
AEE84 : Hyper Fist ( Titan )
AEE98 : Heavy Fist ( Gigas )
AEEAC : Poison Tail ( G-Scorpion )
AEEC0 : Deadly Tail ( Death Needle )
AEED4 : Burning Fang ( Salamander )
AEEE8 : Lightning Fang ( White Dragon )
AEEFC : Lustral Fang ( Fafnir )
AEF10 : Final Fang ( Bahamut )
AEF24 : Freezing Spiral ( Hydra )
AEF38 : Ruinous Spiral ( Tiamat )
AEF4C : Mjolnr ( Thor )
AEF60 : Megaton ( Loki )
AEF74 : Solid Claw ( Roc )
AEF88 : Fire Claw ( Phoenix )
AEF9C : Golem Punch ( Clay Golem )
AEFB0 : Stone Punch ( Stone Golem )
AEFC4 : Rock Throw
AEFD8 : Bronze Punch ( Bronze Golem )
AEFEC : Rock Throw
AF000 : Mega Punch ( Talos )
AF014 : Rock Throw
AF028 : Golden Axe ( Lizard King )
AF03C : Twin Blade ( King )
AF050 : Wing Slash
AF064 : Deluxe Scythe ( Super Tyrant )
AF078 : Gorgeous Spiral
AF08C : Dual Spear ( Killer Doll )
AF0A0 : Assault Sting
AF0B4 : Spear Throw
AF0C8 : Solinvictos ( Knight Master )
AF0DC : Albatross
AF0F0 : Blood Revenger ( Death Sniper )
AF104 : Fatal Shot
AF248 : Juggermaut ( Death Warrior )
AF25C : Calvary Thrust
AF270 : Dupplication ( Doppelganger )
AF284 : Bat Attack ( Vampire Lord )

Special : ( 14 bytes )

Byte 01 08 : Name
Byte 09 : MP
Byte 0A : Range
Byte 0B : Damage
Byte 0C : 00
Byte 0D : Element : white , black , red
Byte 0E : Element : blue , green
Byte 0F : Ground or Sky
Byte 10 : ????
Byte 11 : ????

AF298 : Hell Fire ( Hell Hound )
AF2AC : Inferno ( Fenrir )
AF2D4 : Maelstorm ( Tristan )
AF2E8 : Maelstorm ( Poseidon )
AF310 : Dragon Roar (*)
AF324 : Acid Breath ( Dragon )
AF338 : Fire Breath ( Red Dragon )
AF34C : Grand Flame ( Salamander )
AF360 : Energy Bolt ( White Dragon )
AF374 - Photon ( Fafnir )
AF388 : Final Breath ( Bahamut )
AF39C : Ice Breath ( Hydra )
AF3B0 - Death Breath ( Tiamat )
AF3C4 : Cry Bird ( Roc )
AF3D8 : Heal Voice ( Phoenix )
AF3EC : Air Storm ( Jinn )
AF400 : Ray Storm (Djinni )
AF414 : Fire Storm ( Efreeti )
AF428 : Aqua Storm ( Marid )
AF43C : Thunder Storm ( Glitch )
AF450 : Rotten Storm ( Dao )
AF478 : Engima ( Ouroboros )
AF48C : Void Wind ( Leviathan )

Item + Equipment : 14 byte

Byte 01 02 03 - Name
Byte 04 -
Byte 05 - Type
Byte 06 - Effect
Byte 07 - Attack / Str
Byte 08 - Int
Byte 09 - Hit
Byte 0A - Avoid / Agi ( if hit = avoid than becomes AGI value )
Byte 0B - Def / Shield block
Byte 0C - Hp
Byte 0D - Mp
Byte 0E - Mov up
Byte 0F - Rune power / Rune cost ( value : 81 = -127 decrease to FF)
Byte 10 - Rune area
Byte 11 - Element atk : white , black , red
Byte 12 - Element atk : blue , green
Byte 13 - Element resist : white , black , red
Byte 14 - Element resist : blue , green

91014-Solomon Ring
91028-Rylie' Ring
9103C-Anti-Magic Ring
91050-Healing Ring
91064-Ring of Might
91078-Resistant Pin
9108C-Runic Earring
910A0-Pirate Earring
910B4-Lapis Exillis
910CB-Calming Bell
910DC-Spheherd Horn
910F0-PureBlood Pin
91104-Robber Medal
91118-Warrior Medal
9112C-Sage Medal
91140-Squll Bangle
91154-Runic Armband
91168-Ancient Scroll
9117C-Volundr's Wings
91190-Ice Amulet
911A4-Flame Amulet
911B8-Holy Amulet
911CC-Death Amulet
911E0-Forest Amulet
911F4-Rampant Crest
91208-Gullfaxi's Eye
9121C-Dark Emblem
91230-Sharp Eye
91294-Mythril sword
912A8-Frost Edge
912BC-Flame Edge
912D0-Bastard sword
912E4-Claiomh Solais
91334-Giant Sword
91348-Water Tsuki
9148C-Ronin Blade
914B4-Blood Wind
914DC-Thunder Cut
91504-Spira GreatAxe
91518-Thunder Axe
9152C-Flaming Axe
91554-Dwarven Axe
9157C-Ga'e Bolg
915B8-Mythril Spear
915CC-Ice Javelin
915E0-Maiden's Spear
915F4-Black Spear
91608-Crescent Moon
9161C-Heaven Bow
91630-Mythril Bow
91644-Flame Bow
91658-Elven Bow
91680-Striking Staff
91694-Red Wand
916A8-Blue Wand
916BC-Thyrsos's Rod
916D0-Death Rod
916E4-Jade Rod
916F8-Mythril Rod
9170C-Purity Rod
91720-Skull Flail
91734-Gravity Mace
91748-Brave Hammer
9175C-Mythril Mace
91770-Inquisitor Mace
91784-Nin Haler
91798-Temptress Whip
917AC-Snake Tongue
917C0-Thorn Whip
917D4-Blast Knuckle
917E8-Flurry Fist
917FC-Carnage Knuckle
91810-Speed Knuckle
91824-Rivet Knuckle
91838-The Ripper
9184C-Yandi Blade
91860-Painless Blade
91874-Aegis Shield
91888-Earth Shield
9189C-Battle Shield
918B0-Fire Shield
918C4-Ice Shield
918D8-Large Shield
918EC-Diamond Mail
91900-Volcano Amor
91914-Holy Amor
91928-Evil Amor
9193C-Ice Mail
91950-Fancy Amor
91964-Full Plate
91978-Light Robe
9198C-Dark Robe
919A0-Mirage Robe
919B4-Heatblaze Robe
919CB-Hoarfrost Robe
919DC-Forest Robe
919F0-Star Robe
91A04-Rune Helm
91A18-Egill's Skull
91A2C-Horned Helm
91A40-Brute's Mask
91A54-Sage's Diadem
91A68-Fairy Laure
91A7C-Pixie Cap
91A90-Cool Hat
91AA4-Blood Headband
91AB8-Diamond Crown
91ACC-Speed Boots
91AE0-Fairy Pumps
91AF4-Wind Raiders
91B08-Water Striders
91B1C-Flipper Boots
91B30-Ruby Gloves
91B44-Precise Gloves
91B58-Power Gloves
91B80-Poison Fang
91B94-Icicle Claw
91BA8-Titan Glove
91BBC-Magic Jar

Type :
01:Ring - 15:Amulet : 16: necklace : 02: Sword : 03: Giant Sword : 04: Katana : 05: Axe : 06: Spear : 07: Bow : 08: Staff : 09: Rod : 0A: Mace : 0B: Whip : OC: Knuckle : OD: Blade : OE: Shield : 0F: Amor : 10: Robe : 11: Helm : 12: Hat : 13: Shoes : 14: Gloves : 00: Item

0F - anti magic
OE- 20HP per turn
10- Immune
0B- Movement High Sky
0C- Movement Shoal
0D- Movement Water
13- Vile spike poisons 20%
11- ????
12- Destroys itself to restore HP at death

Mana Kingdom: 14 bytes

The first 2 bytes of Mana

1A1880 : New Almekia
1A1894 : Nogard
1A18A8 : Leonia
1A18BC : Caerleon
1A18D0 : Iscalio
1A18E4 : Esgares Empire

Castle : 1C bytes

Byte 00-01-02 : Name
Byte 03 :
Byte 04 : Moves flag
Byte 0507 : Moves city?
Byte 08 : Prefix for city
Byte 09 : Owner (00-red / 01-blue / 02-lightblue / 03-green / 04-yellow / 05-puprle)
Byte 0A + 0B : Mana per month
Byte 0C -> 13 : Summon Monsters

A8B68 : Herevry Castle
A8B84 : Baynock
A8BA0 : Squest
A8BBC : Linnuis
A8BD8 : Kail
A8BF4 : Lothian
A8D40 : Caelsent
A8D5C - Letishnote
A8D78 : Bronceliande
A8D94 : Asten
A8DB0 : Xanas
A8DCC : Salisbury
A8DE8 : Karnabone
A8E04 : Toria
A8E20 : Oltroute
A8E3C : Eorsia
A8E58 : Cadbury
A8E74 : Logres
A8E90 : Lidney
A8EAC : Fato
A8EC8 : Orkney
A8EE4 : Camelford
A8F00 : Phazard
A8F1C : BayDon Hill
A8F38 : Gorule
A8F54 : Alliryme
A8F70 : Kardiff
A8F8C : Flogeru
A8FA8 : Listinoise
A8FC4 : Jukes
A8FE0 : Humber
A8FFC : Senadon
A9018 : Keliluans
A9034 : Damas
A9050 : Whislind
A906C : Tallas
A9088 : Glume
A90A4 : Hadrian
A90C0 : Dilworth
A90DC : Calmary
A90F8 - Solstheim

Magic: 14 bytes

Byte 0108 : Name
Byte 09-0A : MP cost
Byte 0B : Range
Byte 0C : Damage
Byte 0D-0E : Element
Byte 0F : GR & SK
Byte 10 : ???
Byte 11 : AOE
Byte 12-13-14 : unknow

White :
AF504 : Heal ( 01 :oder to add for Magic in Class )
AF518 : Healing Word ( 02 )
AF52C : Cleanse ( 04 )
AF540 : Hallow ( 08 )
AF554 : Divine Ray ( 10 )
AF568 : Holy Word ( 20 )
Black :
AF57C : Venom ( 40 )
AF590 : Meteor Doom ( 80 )
AF5A4 : Curse ( 01 )
AF5B8 : Dimension ( 02 )
AF5C8 : Dwindle ( 04 )
AF5E0 : Husk ( 08 )
Red :
AF5F4 : Flame ( 10 )
AF608 : Geno-Flame ( 20 )
AF61C : Exa-Blast ( 40 )
AF630 : Accel ( 80 )
AF644 : Fury ( 01 )
AF658 : Solid ( 02 )
Blue :
AF66C : Frost ( 04 )
AF680 : Geno-Frost ( 08 )
AF694 : Ice Fall ( 10 )
AF6A8 : Flight ( 20 )
AF6BC : Ward ( 40 )
AF6D0 : Beguile ( 80 )
Green :
AF6E4 : Bolt ( 01 )
AF6F8 : Geno-Bolt ( 02 )
AF70C : React ( 04 )
AF720 : Paralyze ( 08 )
AF734 : Harden ( 10 )
AF748 : Dumb ( 20 )

Monster in Summon : 10 bytes

Byte 00-01-02 : Name
Byte 03 :
Byte 04 : Level
Byte 05 : Exp
Byte 06-07 : Base Hp
Byte 08-09 : Base Mp
Byte 0A : Str
Byte 0B : Int
Byte 0C : Agi
Byte 0D : Rune cost
Byte 0E-0F : Mana cost

ADDA0 - Angel
ADDB0 : Arch Demon
ADDC0 - Unicorn
ADDD0 - Nightmare
ADDE0 - Pegasus
ADDF0 - Gryphon
ADE00 - Holygriff
ADE10 - Seraph
ADE20 - Lucifer
ADE30 - Demon
ADE40 - Arch Demon
ADE50 - Ghoul
ADE60 - Vampire
ADE70 - Hell Hound
ADE80 - Fenrir
ADE90 - Satan
ADEA0 - Lilith
ADEB0 - Vampire Lord
ADFF0 - Merman
AE000 - Tritan
AE010 - Posiedon
AE020 - Lizard Man
AE030 - Lizard Guard
AE040 - Wyvern
AE050 - Couatl
AE060 - Pixie
AE070 - Fairy
AE080 -Centaur
AE090 - High Centaur
AE0A0 - Mandrake
AE0B0 - Man-Eater
AE0C0 - Dragon
AE0D0 - Red Dragon
AE0E0 - Giant
AE0F0 - Titan
AE100 - Gigas
AE110 - G-Scorpion
AE120 - Death Needele
AE130 - Salamander
AE140 - White Dragon
AE150 - Fafnir
AE160 - Bahamut
AE170 - Hydra
AE180 - Tiamat
AE190 - Thor
AE1A0 - Loki
AE1B0 - Roc
AE1C0 - Phoenix
AE1D0 - Clay Golem
AE1E0 - Stone Golem
AE1F0 - Bronze Golem
AE200 - Talos
AE210 - Jinn
AE220 - Djinni
AE230 - Efreeti
AE240 - Marid
AE250 - Dao
AE260 - Glitch
AE270 - Lizard King

Number of Class:

00: Fighter
01: Barbarian
02: Beserker
03: Swordman
04: Swordmaster
05: Cavalier
06: Paladin
07: Avenger
08: Mage
09: Sorceror
0A: Wizard
0B: Druid
0C: Necromancer
0D: Priest
0E: Bishop
0F: Cardinal
10: Monk
11: Guardian
12: Ranger
13: Grappler
14: Champion
15: Jadou
16: Jadou Master
17: Scout
18: Archer
19: Artemis
1A: Lancer
1B: Valkyrie
1C: Enchantress
1D: Sorceress
1E: Witch
1F: Mystic
20: Sage
21: Cleric
22: Lector
23: Saint
24: Prince
25: Lord
26: Queen
27: Warlock
28: Tyrant
29: Emperor
2A: Death Knight
2B: Claimer
2C: Angel
2D: Arch Angel
2E: Unicorn
2F: Nightmare
30: Pegasus
31: Gryphon
32: Holygriff
33: Seraph
34: Lucifer
35: Demon
36: Arch Demon
37: Ghoul
38: Vampire
39: Hell Hound
3A: Fenrir
3B: Satan
3C: Lilith
3D: Vampire Lord
3E: Merman
3F: Tritan
40: Posiedon
41: Lizard Man
42: Lizard Guard
43: Wyvern
44: Couatl
45: Pixie
46: Fairy
47: Centaur
48: High Centaur
49: Mandrake
4A: Man-Eater
4B: Dragon
4C: Red Dragon
4D: Giant
4E: Titan
4F: Gigas
50: G-Scorpion
51: Death Needele
52: Salamander
53: White Dragon
54: Fafnir
55: Bahamut
56: Hydra
57: Tiamat
58: Thor
59: Loki
5A: Roc
5B: Phoenix
5C: Clay Golem
5D: Stone Golem
5E: Bronze Golem
5F: Talos
60: Jinn
61: Djinni
62: Efreeti
63: Marid
64: Dao
65: Glitch
66: Lizard King
67: King
68: Super Mad Monarch
69: Killer Doll
6A: Knight Master
6B: Death Sniper
6C: Death Warrior

P/s : Special thanks to Samisc for informations

Messages In This Thread
Brigandine GE : Hex Editor - by Atonias - 2015-07-24, 03:27 AM
Re: Brigandine GE : Hex Editor - by Tony0075 - 2015-07-24, 09:58 PM
Re: Brigandine GE : Hex Editor - by samisc - 2015-07-26, 04:32 AM
Re: Brigandine GE : Hex Editor - by Tony0075 - 2015-07-29, 03:46 AM
Re: Brigandine GE : Hex Editor - by samisc - 2015-07-29, 06:47 PM
Re: Brigandine GE : Hex Editor - by samisc - 2015-07-29, 07:00 PM
Re: Brigandine GE : Hex Editor - by Nephrite - 2015-10-06, 03:31 AM
Re: Brigandine GE : Hex Editor - by PlayZ - 2016-09-17, 05:52 AM
Re: Brigandine GE : Hex Editor - by lubronbrons - 2017-01-05, 06:07 PM
Re: Brigandine GE : Hex Editor - by Atonias - 2018-01-16, 08:38 AM
Re: Brigandine GE : Hex Editor - by blackcatz - 2018-02-25, 06:23 AM
Re: Brigandine GE : Hex Editor - by Rune - 2018-05-15, 05:12 PM
Re: Brigandine GE : Hex Editor - by Rune - 2018-05-20, 05:06 PM
Re: Brigandine GE : Hex Editor - by Rune - 2018-08-14, 02:29 AM
Re: Brigandine GE : Hex Editor - by Nthanhdat - 2019-09-02, 06:02 AM
Re: Brigandine GE : Hex Editor - by Rune - 2019-09-04, 10:30 PM
Re: Brigandine GE : Hex Editor - by Nthanhdat - 2019-09-08, 12:34 PM
Re: Brigandine GE : Hex Editor - by Rune - 2020-07-05, 03:52 AM
Re: Brigandine GE : Hex Editor - by lubronbrons - 2017-01-04, 08:30 AM

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