King's Field Side-scroller? Yay or Nay?

here's my second go at the player -- used one of the GBA Castlevania games for reference, so he came out smallish:

[Image: this_guy_can_walk__by_vongrimm-d9cd793.gif] [Image: headeater_walk_by_vongrimm-d9c941d.gif] EDIT: size comparison... wow, he looks like he could take off his head/half his body in one bite now O_O

but I like it overall ‎  Smile the only thing I'm unsure of is the black outline, as the monsters won't have it... though I suppose it is fitting that the player stands out more~
*ill-fated is the wind that does not blow a single mind*

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Re: King's Field Side-scroller? Yay or Nay? - by vongrimmsy0 - 2015-10-08, 04:35 PM

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