This is for anyone who loves playing trismegistus.

I have mainly been working on the programming aspects of the game to get the physics down for right now. Even broke the physics in my game and saved the code for future weird spell ideas. One of my oldest programmer friends used to say "Let the code play out, save a back up of the code, then break it to see what happens. Sometimes you'll spawn an idea from breaking the one you intended. Even if you don't like the monster you created, you know how to create it and can prevent others from duplicating the mistake." That quote taught me a whole new way to look at programming.

Most of my models are just placeholders with a hover over display of what they are supposed to be. Just to remember what I want to place there.

The world I'm making is unfolding in my brain, I want to write it down. Not just to expand upon the game but in case I come up with an idea I like, I can always go back and read it instead of forgetting it and coming to a writers block later.

Though I'm not well known. This isn't my first time programming or modelling. I have been making game mods underground since Duke Nukem 3d's map editor was released when I was a kid. I have made numerous mods all with success and even broke the programming code for a few games. One of my programming expansion codes actually allowed unlimited leveling and perks in Fall Out series and Elder scroll series. I was originally going to expand upon the idea of the unlimited leveling into making a level up system above and beyond what the developers had in mind with new perks, but the home I lived in with all my stuff got burned to the ground. I would have to start over again literally like a phoenix from ashes. I backed up the Fall Out code on mod nexus and found it years later. The code itself was meant to listen for when level 50 is reached then set your level back to 49. I was going to expand it into listening to level 50 being reached then prestige into a new leveling up system with a new experience to next level, perks, level number, titles, etc. I never got around to it.

I have written a lot of indie games in 2D and 2.5D. I mean I had over a hundred I never released to anyone but my family and they loved each one and would laugh at them. My first time crashing a game was when i made a brick break / break out clone game and had an 8-way ball split. My idiot self didn't put a limit to max amount of balls on the screen and each one was running realistic physics collision engine that I created myself. After second time crashing my own computer I figured I should put a limit of 50 or less. After 50 are on the screen if you get an 8-way it just gives you massive bonus points. Seemed to work.

The two most influential people on my life growing up are programmers. One used to bash in my head to learn C as soon as possible. When I was younger I was too lazy to pick up the 500 page book and learn. I used trial and error. He has a job working on VR devices. He let me play with something similar to Google glasses that hasn't been released on the market yet. It's crazy. The other one is stuck in a basement underground programming for the government. I have around thirty people that test my games, but those two are the ones that can tell me what they think is happening. Only once did a bug stump all three of us.
"You can silence my voice, cut away my tongue, make me deaf, make me blind, you can lock me in a cage throw away the key, you can severe my fingers and toes, you can drug me to the point I won't even know I'm alive, you can scar my soul, but you can not destroy my dreams!"

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Re: This is for anyone who loves playing trismegistus. - by lycianzer - 2016-09-03, 01:31 PM

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