VMWare Player may be a solution to the editor crashing

I just realized I want to make the SOM windows minimizable sometime. It's really lame they're not. It makes it hard (maybe impossible) to get at your desktop.

Good luck with autoit. I hope at least you have an easier time than I. Hopefully Kilroyfx will hang around long enough to help out with that.

I know we can do a much better setup than this. I think I've stripped XP pretty well. The only way to make a really significant impact in file size and performance of the VM from where I have it would be to go with Win2k I think. I think it would be ideal to have both flavors, XP and 2k. At least long enough to figure out which one is definitely better suited. But I have a feeling each would have pros and cons.

PS: I think we need to eventually make a better effort of custom stuff, then just trying to cram it all in one download. A) I don't think this approach is sustainable, and B) I don't think people necessarily want to download everything at once or have to comb thru it. Granted it's tricky to think about alternative approaches. But we gotta be realistic in this...

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Re: VMWare Player may be a solution to the editor crashing - by HolyDiver - 2009-10-14, 03:59 AM

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