Proper size and orientation from Blender to SoM

First off, hello everyone! I have been a From Software fan since Dark Souls. I never played the King's Field games until a couple years ago when I dove into KFIV. While I really enjoyed the atmosphere and exploration side of it, I found the movement to be pretty painful and haven't finished it. I've been into Playstation 1 era graphics for a while and trying to incorporate them into my own Unity based projects, but a friend mentioned SoM and here I am. I have really enjoyed messing with the tools and seeing how the pieces fit together and recently started going down the path of custom assets.

Here is the workflow I have been using as of late and getting predictable results from Blender 2.8 into SoM. There are several paths through this, but this has been working for me when doing objects and tiles so far.

Quick facts:
  • 1m in Blender = 1m in SoM. Yay!
  • Tiles in SoM are often 2m X 2m X 3m
  • A side wall will then be 1m X 2m X 3m
  • A floor tile 2m X 2m X 3m
  • Black in a texture will show up transparent

  1. Before exporting a model from Blender make sure all transforms have been applied and then cleared.

  2. I exported as .obj with the following settings. Not all are needed, but things were working so I didn't bother to dig.
    [Image: blenderToObj.png]

  3. I then open the .obj in Metasequoia LE with the following settings:
    [Image: importObj.png]

  4. Before saving this as a .x make sure your texture is applied, and referenced from the .../mqle24/Texture folder.

  5. Now save as .x with these settings:
    [Image: xExport.png]

  6. There is a post by JC Bailey that I used a lot he recommended having a 'Converstions' folder with all the texture files, .x files, and converters. I used the 'SoMHelper' for a lot of my conversions and I'm not sure if you need the files in the same location as the conversion executables when using that, or just for the console commands. The 'SoMHelper' seemed fine with just loading a .x into it, and as long as the texture was in the mqle24/Texture directory all was good.

This was meant to be a blender started workflow tutorial. Things I didn't flesh out here are fleshed out very well here:

Feel free to comment about things I missed, or flat out got wrong, or would like more explanation and I will try to help.

If anyone is interested I could also share the placeholder box, and wall segment features in the video below that I've been using for greyboxing and getting a feeling for how things are laid out.
[Image: SOMTestMapParts.gif]

Messages In This Thread
Proper size and orientation from Blender to SoM - by theschap - 2019-05-11, 04:56 AM

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