King's Field II, accurate recreation, including VR

This demo does VR on my Rubik's Cube sized workstation. It should should work at higher frame rates, but my output is limited to 60hz. I don't believe there's any special reason to say that VR requires higher than normal frame rates, but probably 60hz is a base line, unlike in movies where 20hz or 24hz delivers a satisfactory picture.

VR on PC is a walled garden. I recently tried to use SteamVR to experience a collaborator's game, and did not get far, because SteamVR is unsuited for low cost computers. I've developed SOM to provide the same experience on any home computer that has a GPU. It turns out you can do VR with inexpensive computers. Commercial companies are just not interested in that, just as they discount audiences who own inexpensive computers.

I also recently did full tracking with SOM. What struck me is how quickly your neck is made weak, if you don't break it, by lugging around the heavy set. Very soon the set is pulling your head around instead of vice versa. I didn't expect this because VR is marketed as a playroom affair mainly now. I think it's telling the marketing takes this view even though in practice it's physically impractical or demanding.

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Re: King's Field II, accurate recreation, including VR - by Holy_Diver - 2019-05-18, 08:34 AM

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