2009-10-15, 10:03 AM
Tonight I drove myself to the brink of insanity trying to understand why SOM likes to crash when I takeover the DirectInputDevice2 interface. I just can't make heads or tails of it. It seems to want to execute a function off in some memory that does not exist after "acquiring" the joypad. I looked up and down the DI api for any remote reason for this behavior and nothing.
Anyway, SOM doesn't want "2" (DX5) for the keyboard. So the keyboard seems to be working fine. Which is all I had immediate want for anyway. Still I got stuck on the controller interface just for pure curiosity of it. I can only hope after working with the keyboard for a while I might find some insight, but I'm not hopeful.
I even intercepted the OLE com functions for the hell of it, just in case SOM was going behind the back of DI for some reason. I'd guess it uses the raw com interface for the movies. But DX is built on it as well.
I really drove myself sick/tired over this and burned the better part of my night. Lord knows what time it is now
Anyway, SOM doesn't want "2" (DX5) for the keyboard. So the keyboard seems to be working fine. Which is all I had immediate want for anyway. Still I got stuck on the controller interface just for pure curiosity of it. I can only hope after working with the keyboard for a while I might find some insight, but I'm not hopeful.
I even intercepted the OLE com functions for the hell of it, just in case SOM was going behind the back of DI for some reason. I'd guess it uses the raw com interface for the movies. But DX is built on it as well.
I really drove myself sick/tired over this and burned the better part of my night. Lord knows what time it is now