Kings Field 1 - Pickup Glitch

So, I can't pick up items with the action button unless I just spam it. Does this on Keyboard or just doesn't register most of the time. Now, the action button always works on everything else, just can't grab items from the Yes/No prompt after opening a chest or barrel. I have to just, keep pressing it until it works.

Signs and Doors work on the first try.

Messages In This Thread
Kings Field 1 - Pickup Glitch - by FatalFramerate - 2020-09-21, 08:05 PM
Re: Kings Field 1 - Pickup Glitch - by Holy_Diver - 2020-09-23, 12:56 AM
Re: Kings Field 1 - Pickup Glitch - by Holy_Diver - 2020-09-26, 03:58 AM

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