Playstation "Top Secret" 1994 Promo VHS

I saw someone had uploaded the content for the 1994 Japanese promo VHS for the PS1 to Youtube! It's an item I have in my KF collection, as it features footage of the first game from before release! The clip is only 30 seconds long, but a fun piece of KF history nevertheless! ;)

Another version of the same footage was found on a different VHS also published on the same Youtube channel, with a more serious tone to it.

Also, it shows what I assume to be the MSRP of the game at the end, which is  ‎¥6,400.

Enjoy! :D

PS: The youtuber's got more KF content on his main channel.

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Playstation "Top Secret" 1994 Promo VHS - by Guyra - 2023-10-05, 06:41 PM

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