I am down for the count, need some assistance

Here is what I have that I can't figure out:

-Chalice of Hermes
-Ring of Alchemy

Here are the things I think I should be able to access but can't because I must be missing things:

-The door in the earth realm (light side) that has a key pedastal behind it ( I can't get in, and I dont have the key that would fit that pedastal).

-The door in the water realm (light side) that has a key pedastal behind it with that same key which looks like it should be the silviera's key model.

-Pedastal in the dark side of the original area that appears to use a fire crystal.

Need help before the 10 count!
- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

Messages In This Thread
I am down for the count, need some assistance - by dmpdesign - 2009-04-06, 01:31 AM

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