How abouts we have ourselves an all new controller system?!

For the record I finished op most of this alternative Joypad work yesterday. I was just very perturbed to find out the DX7 drivers just don't seem to recognize the 4th axis on my DualShock adapter. I didn't cut any corners so it will just be a matter of proper testing (like SOM never got) to make sure the more advanced features like macros work. The way I've set things up Shift+another key is a macro, so the support needs to be there on first release I reckon.

I haven't played with simulating analog input yet, and it will be a day or two, but I don't suspect any trouble.

First I will probably implement an alternative old school winmm.lib (Windows Multimedia API -- the pre-DirectCrap api) interface, since that will be easy to do and I know will work. It's not as fancy as DI but does all the stuff you need. Mostly it just won't let you set things like deadzone and saturation, but it has a deadzone operating mode in case one of your sticks are twitchy.

I might also look for better drivers for my adapter. If that doesn't work I'll probably look into setting up DirectX8/9/10 alongside SOM's 7. In theory it shouldn't be a problem for per device input at least.

For anyone interested I will post the code later somehow (the bbs is saying "The message exceeds the maximum allowed length (30000 characters)")

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Re: How abouts we have ourselves an all new controller system?! - by HolyDiver - 2009-10-25, 05:54 PM

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