How abouts we have ourselves an all new controller system?!

Well it ought to be after the probably 20hrs focused work I've poured into this crap by now!!

Well some good news is I just had an aha moment... I found a way to make the key knockout algorithm a lot better than going from half to full speed. I just had a mental block that prevented me from seeing this possibility, because the condition to do it would mean coming to a full stop at full speed (probably a spherical harmonics thing) so basically I use three stages now, one if nearly full tilt on the axis for full speed, and different algorithm from half tilt up, and the old algorithm for half tilt down. So from half up, instead of knocking out more and more keys, I just knockout less and less keys on the upswing. So like at half speed it's stop/go/stop/go, then at 60% speed it's go/go/stop/go/go/stop (and at 40% stop/stop/go... 80% go/go/go/stop/go/go/go/stop)

Still there is this freaky weird behavior no matter what technique I use some where around mid tilt where all movement likes to just stop. I really don't understand what could be going on. I thought maybe the deadzone was being mapped into the wrong place because there is some weird ambiguity about where the deadzone actually is with controllers that use a single axis for both positive and negative. It might be a deadzone thing, but I never notice it until I turn on the analog dithering. I'll have to be able to print some numbers on screen to get a precise idea of what is going on.

But I gotta say the analog control is really worthwhile. It's the little things you don't notice that make it cool. Like unconsciously correcting your heading on the left/right axis while primarily focusing on walking forward. You really can't do that with the digital left/right step/turn buttons. Usually it's really smooth but there's something about the dithering that causes interference between axes sometimes that creates a dizzying effect. The effect is actually kind of exhilerating, if only it could be controlled to only happen when desirable (by interference it means like when the knockout keys on each axis are either in accordance with one another or not -- again I'll need to setup a screen printout to get a definite idea of what is going on/possibly correct for it)

This new two sided algorithm really ups the bar in the presentation dept. I think this could be something you'd want to have setup by default for your game yet.

EDITED: Anyway, I haven't really tried fine tuning anything, but now it's gone from 3 to 8 gates (speeds) so that's a big plus. You never really notice a transition.

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Re: How abouts we have ourselves an all new controller system?! - by HolyDiver - 2009-10-27, 10:00 PM

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