Finished My First Test Run

Finally finished going through the whole game and testing this week while I was out sick.

My final save game has probably 85% of the items, and it took me roughly 9.5 hours (knowing where to go and using the debug speed + save anywhere really helped).

I imagine it will likely take a new player ~15 hours to beat and for someone trying to get everything probably close to 20 hours.

The good news:

-there was no need for any level grinding to progress through the game, so it should be relatively non-stop progression. ‎  This is a big plus in my book. ‎  The end game level should be 29-32 if you play straight through it without grinding. ‎  This is good and is on par with the other king's fields.

-i swapped in many lower poly models for the objects that were causing most of the slowdowns, this appears to have helped the game play on slower machines.

-all in game enemies/weapons/armor and leveling have been balanced to my liking, so that annoying part is finally over.

The bad news:

- I have to rework the opening video, 600mb for that is unacceptable.

- I still have to complete the library map (the collector's area of the game) and it will be a pain in the arse.

- I still need an ending vid.

- Some cleanup is still needed on the in game text boxes, there are misaligned sentences galore.

But thats it, give me a week or so and I should hopefully have this thing ready for its beta release.

Tom, Im going to skip having you test it, I think I have debugged it pretty well, and if not, I can always patch it.

John, I need to pick your brain about some things I need to finish up, I will email you with some stuff I have on my mind.
- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

Messages In This Thread
Finished My First Test Run - by dmpdesign - 2009-11-27, 03:29 PM
Re: Finished My First Test Run - by scott - 2009-12-07, 05:01 PM
Re: Finished My First Test Run - by dmpdesign - 2009-12-07, 07:15 PM
Re: Finished My First Test Run - by scott - 2009-12-08, 03:32 PM

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