Formerly: The Remix DoM Project!?! Now general KF discourse.

Very nice info John, though I think youre right, most of those text blocks don't actually appear in the game ( I will check into that this weekend on my trip, yay for portable KF). That is cool information to have for certain, I wish I had a way to see all the text.

As for Alf? I am not sure what you mean by that? Alexander is not king alfred....did they really call him Alf in japan? What lyle does in the end of KF3 is definitely finishing the job that alexander started by eliminating the other side of the bad seed, but really guyra and seath have nothing to do with john alfred's story of KF1(other than him getting the sword).

And for agetec's translation....well to each their own, but I will always be referring to information laid forth in the games I played in the US translation. I love the lore and stories they put into the game, even if they aren't 100% translations. I think Mark at agetec would probably say that they made the story better in his eyes when they translated, a feat I am pretty certain that team is proud of.

So with the new info you guys are bringing to my attention, I will have to modify a bit of the storyline I have posted in the DD section of the main site....but thats ok, it is merely the history section, nothing really to do with DD itself. Thankfully nothing posted thus far is contradicted in DD that I am aware of.

Keep the cool shit coming! I love reading this stuff.
- Todd DuFore (DMPDesign)
Site Founder

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Formerly: The Remix DoM Project!?! Now general KF discourse. - by dmpdesign - 2009-05-08, 04:39 AM

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